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Daniel is sleeping beside me in my bed. I've noticed he's been wearing long sleeves all the time. I slowly slide the sleeve up his arm, trying not to wake him up. The sight brings tears to my eyes.

On my baby, there are at least 15 recent cuts on his arm. One in the shape of a C.

This is all my fucking fault. If I wouldn't have been such a bitch, I wouldn't have broken up with him.

He wakes up as my alarm goes off. I turn around and turn it off. I tap his arm to get his attention, forgetting about the cuts on his arm. He quietly winces and turns around to face me.

"What's up?" He asks. God I love his morning voice. "Your wrist" I say. He looks down and pulls his sleeve back down. "Oh shit" he mutters. "Baby" I begin "promise me you'll never do it again. Especially not because of me. I'm not worth it." I say, wrapping my arms around Dani's waist. "I promise you Corbyn, I won't. Just because you asked me not to. You're worth the world baby. You're my world" He says.

"I love you Dani" I say.
"I love you moreee" he responds.

I smile and bury my face in his chest.

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