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"We are sorry to inform you..... that the cafeteria is closed for the night. But Corbyn has, fortunately, regained consciousness." I feel an immense amount of weight lifted off my shoulders. 

"Can we go see him?" Jordan asks eagerly. "One at a time, we don't want to overwhelm him." The nurse responds politely. "Would you like me to ask him who he'd like to see first?" I nod. "Names please," She says. "Daniel, Jordan, Ashley" Daniel says as he points to himself, then Jordan, then me.

She returns and says Corbyn wants to see Daniel first.

I go to walk with the nurse to see Corbyn. My hands begin to shake. "H-hey baby" I say softly.
"Hi B-babe" he responds.

"How are you doing?" I ask, genuinely worried. "Cut the bullshit and come give your boyfriend a hug" Corbyn says with a smile.

"I love you Corbyn Besson" I say softly. "I love you too, Daniel Seavey"

I talk to the doctor as I walk out of the room. "You're mostly around Corbyn and you're the one who is in charge of his medicines and him taking them, right?" She whispers. "Yes, why?" I ask, beginning to get concerned.

"Because I wanted to inform you that Corbyn will need to to be transferred to our mental hospital in the next building over. He'll need to be there for about 3 weeks, then he'll have an evaluation to see if he needs to stay any longer. Corbyn will also be switched to a different antidepressant that will likely be more effective. Do you have any questions?" "No" I say as I resume walking out the door.

"Corbyn said he doesn't care which one of you he sees next so Rock Paper Scissors I guess" I say as I go to head home since visiting hours are about to end in about 30 minutes.

I have to come back and see him tomorrow. I'm only going to school to take Corbyn's doctors note in. I'm not staying.

They'll give me my work for the next couple of weeks so I can be with Corbyn. Both of us will be excused, as I'll be visiting with him.

I hope y'all didn't think I was actually going to kill off Corbyn (my lane) because ummmm NO HONEYY. Also I've had this chapter written out since Tuesday.


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