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I walk Dani to the backyard and tell him to close his eyes. "Open your eyes baby" I say.

Jonah, Zach, and Jack begin to sing.

Oh, his eyes, his eyes make the stars look like they're not shinin'
His hair, his hair falls perfectly without him trying
He's so beautiful and I tell him everyday
Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment him he won't believe me
And it's so, it's so sad to think that he don't see what I see
But every time he asks me "Do I look okay?"
I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause boy you're amazing
Just the way you are
His lips, his lips, I could kiss them all day if he's let me
His laugh, his laugh he hates but I think it's so sexy
He's so beautiful, and I tell him everyday
Oh you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause, boy, you're amazing
Just the way you are
The way you are
The way you are
Boy, you're amazing
Just the way you are
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause, boy, you're amazing
Just the way you are

I join in at the last 'cause boy you're amazing'
As they finish singing, I grab each of Daniel's hands in mind. I look him in the eyes and pour my heart out to him

"Dani, ever since I met you, my life hasn't been the same. You've seen me at my best, you've been there for me at my worst. Through thick and thin. You've stuck around when nobody else has. When I say I say I want to start a family with you, I mean it. When I say I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I'm sure that's all I want. You give my life meaning. I don't know what I'd do without you. If it weren't for you, i probably wouldn't even be standing here today. You are my world Daniel.

I love waking up next to you every morning and going to sleep next to you every night. Having you, Riley, and Mackenzie move in here with my mom and I, was the second best decision I've ever made. The best decision being asking you to be my boyfriend. Out of my own stupidity, I fucked up and almost lost you. Thankfully, I didn't. One moment I will never forget throughout my entire life, is the first time I heard you talk. When I said I loved you and you responded. I still can't believe I was the one who caused you to talk after 2 years."

I tear up as I get down on one knee and take the ring I picked, out of my pocket as Daniel let's go of my hands in order to cover his mouth. "C-Corbyn" he gasped, tears forming at the brims of his eyes.

I open the black velvet box that the ring is encased in and say "As of today, we've been dating for 8 months. I know it's a short period of time before asking this, but I love you and don't want to risk losing you again. Daniel James Seavey, will you make me the happiest and luckiest man in the world, and marry me?" I ask, sliding the ring onto his finger. "Of course baby!" He exclaims. I stand up and kiss him. The kiss was passionate, yet soft and innocent. Both of us have tears in our eyes.

I feel as if the entire world has stopped and we were the only two people in existence at that moment. I would stop the world, all for Daniel and the only thing he would have to do was ask.

Hey guys! One chapter left😭😭
I've decided what I'm going to do. The next/last chapter is really short so I'm just going to publish it today and also publish the first chapter of the sequel

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