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Ashley and I are going to get the car for Corbyn. I get Mackenzie and Riley into the back of my car.

On the way there, Riley complains she's hungry. "We're eating back at the house"

On the way back Mackenzie falls asleep. Riley however, is wide awake.

I get out of bed, and I realize nobody's home. Great start to a birthday. I go to make breakfast (technically lunch because it's 12:45) for myself and see everybody's downstairs "Hey guys" I say. "Hey" Dani responds.

Did he forget about my birthday? "Are we doing anything today?" I ask, hinting at my birthday. "What do you mean?" He responds.

He actually forgot my birthday. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I go to run back upstairs when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look back and see Daniel. "What do you want?" I snapped. I could see that sad look in his eyes but at that moment, I felt no remorse. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't forget your birthday. It was a joke" he says beginning to cry.

I feel bad but at the same time I'm pissed off because of his dumb joke. "Well guess what, your joke, WASN'T FUCKING FUNNY" I yell and run to our room and slam the door shut.

I know how I get when I'm angry. Violent. Very violent. I don't want to put anybody I care about in danger.

"Baby, I'm sorry." I hear Dani say in tears from the other side of the door. "I know I shouldn't have done it." He cries. I know I'm being a total asshole, but I don't really care.

I go to get Corbyn because it's time to go to the restaurant. "Baby," I say. "What?" He says slightly angry. I really fucked up. "We made dinner reservations, are you ready to go?" I ask nicely, trying not to piss him off even more.

"Yeah, one minute. Let me get my shoes on" he responds.

When he walks out of our room, I see how hot he looks. "I love you babe" I say. "I love you too," he responds

We all (Jordan, Ashley, Corbyn, and I) walk outside. "Who's car is this?" Corbyn asks. "You wanna tell him?" I ask Ashley and Jordan. "You tell him" Ashley says and Jordan nods. "It's yours baby" I say, watching Corbyn smile. "Let's go baby" I say softly.

We get to the restaurant and Corbyn's face glows as soon as he sees his dad


We go home after the dinner and their dad has to go home.

I decide to go take a bath to calm down from all the excitement of today.

I fill up to bath as I slip off my clothes. I sit down and start thinking about my fight with Dani. I slowly realize it's all my fault.
He's better off without me. I grab my blades from where I hid them, where Dani couldn't find them, and press it down on my wrists and thighs, making deep cuts on both places.

I watch the water turn red as I submerge my head underwater, hoping to not ever lift it above water. The bathroom fades to a blur as the lights dim until all I see is complete darkness as I black out.

I realize Corbyn's been in the bath for a while. I should go check to make sure he's ok.

I knock on the door the the bathroom. "Hey, Baby?" I say, getting no response. "Babe?" I say slightly louder, and yet, I get no response.

I open the door and see Corbyn laying, unconscious, in a tub full of deep red water. "Corbyn!" I yell through tears dripping from my face. I grab him with one hand and call 911 with the other.

Hey guys! Finally posting this chapter! I think I'm back to regular posting for this book. Not sure about the others though. Thanks for your patience!


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