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I wake up oddly happy. Then... I remember, who I am, what my life is, and why nobody would ever love me.

I turn to my side and see a note from Daniel.

(I was typing 'Daniel' and my phone autocorrected it to 'daddy' I'm actually done😂)

I read the note and feel like a complete asshole. Damnit, I really do ruin everything.

After a while, I wipe the tears I didn't know were falling. "I need to fix this, between Daniel and I"

I put on a long sleeve shirt before heading downstairs and seeing Daniel on the couch sniffling. "H-hey," I say sheepishly. He turns around, revealing the tears running down his cheeks, and quickly turns back around. Fuck, he hates me.

I walk over to Daniel and grab his hand, trying to lead him away from the couch. He pulls his hand away. "Come on, just trust me, please."

He rolls his eyes and comes with me. I lead him to our bed and tell him to lay down. I lay beside him and hug him. "I'm so sorry Dani. This is all my fault. I was too stupid to let you answer, instead I just left and went home."

Daniel turns around and hugs me back, burying his face in my chest. "So... Dani, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask. He smiles and holds me even tighter. "Ow" I squeal because of the pressure on my arms.

After Corbyn says 'ow' i let go of him and pull up his sleeves to reveal 4 cuts on his wrist. I get up, walk to the bathroom to find all of Corbyn's blades and throw them all away.

I lay back down beside Corbyn and text him.
* slight trigger warning*
Why did you do that to yourself again?

My Corbean❤️


My Corbean❤️
I thought you hated me.

I could never hate you, I love you.

My Corbean❤️
Anyway, why do you care so much if I c*t?

I roll up my sleeves and show him the scars on my arms. "I'm so sorry Dani," Bean says.

It's fine, I've been clean for 4 months. I cope by drawing on my arms if I feel like doing it.
(I've found out this is actually a good coping mechanism)

Hey guys, sorry I was at a baby shower last night. If you guys ever feel like committing, please don't. I'm always here to talk and it will never be a burden to me.


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