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Previously on helping
"You know Jordan?" Corbyn asks. "Y-yeah, we d-dated before I m-moved here"

by the look on Corbyn's face, there's something he's confused about. "Jordan, is there something you want to tell me?" Corbyn says, looking annoyed. "Yeah, um..... I'm gay." Jordan says, tearing up.

I motion for him to come over to us. "Hey, it's ok. We, of course, accept you" I say, attempting to comfort him as he full-on breaks into tears.

"Wanna just lay down with us and chill?" Corbyn asks. "Nah, you guys need your time together and I don't wanna interrupt it."

"You sure?" I say. "Yeah."


Jordan walks out of our room and into the living room.

I wonder, if Jordan's here, is Ashley here too? "Hey bean!" She says. I guess she is here.

She walks over and sits beside Daniel, who, now, is asleep.

"Hey Ash!"




After about an hour of catching up with Ashley, Daniel wakes up.  "Hey babe, hey Ash" Daniel says tiredly. "Wait... you know Ashley too?!" What the hell? This shits freaky!

"Yeah, me and Ashley were best friends!"

Hey guys! I have a longer chapter planned out to publish tmr for Corbyn's birthday. I CANT BELIEVE MY BEAN IS GONNA BE 20 OMFG! I'm sister shook.


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