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"Riley, Makenzie, pack up all of your clothes and put them in your suitcases." I told my younger siblings in ASL. ASL is the only way I communicate with them.

"Why?" Riley signed back. "We are going somewhere so we can be safe and mommy won't be able to hurt us anymore." I signed to them. "Fine." Mackenzie replied in sign and went off to start packing with Riley. They talk, just not very often and only if they know you.

I went off to my room to start packing. After I was done I put my suitcases under my bed. Mackenzie and Riley came running in my room holding their suitcases and backpacks. Mom was passed out drunk so I got all of our bags and I put them in my car. I run back inside after locking the doors. I sign to Mackenzie and Riley telling them to stay in my room and act like they are playing with dolls and I'm watching them while we wait for mom to leave to the bar. I decide to text Corbyn. I really want to ask him out but I feel like we should get to know each other better first.

Hey Bean, we are all packed and ready to go.

K. I asked my mom and she got the guest room ready. It has a bunk bed for your sisters.

Thank you so much for doing this for us.

No problem, anytime. You know you guys can stay with us for as long as you need to.

Awwww thanks.

I want to ask Daniel out, but I want to get to know him first and I don't know if he likes me back as much as I like him. What should I do, Zach?

First of all, I do like you back. Maybe even more than you like me and I want to get to know you more too.

Wrong person sorry. 🤭

It's fine lol

My mom just left.

My address is 126 sycamore street.

We'll be there soon.

I tell the twins to follow me out to my car. They both get buckled and I drive to Corbyn's house.

Once we arrive, I text Corbyn and he comes outside. He tries to show the twins to their room, but they grip onto my legs. "He's fine guys. His name is Corbyn he's my friend and, he's the one who saved us from mommy" I signed. They let go and went with Bean.

I took the bags inside and took Mackenzie's and Riley's bags up to their room and helped them unpack their stuff and put it away. I texted Corbyn asking him where I was staying. He took my bags to a room and I followed him. In the room, there was one bed and it looked like someone was staying in it already. Corbyn says "Sorry, you have to stay with me in my room. I'll sleep on the floor." I texted him saying "You've done enough for us, I'll sleep on the floor Bean." He replies by saying "You don't have to." Oh lord. I'm not only living with my crush, but sleeping in his room, in his bed, beside him.


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