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"Stay here, quietly" I whisper, locking the window and leaving the twins room, with them locked inside.

I walk downstairs and crept around the corner. I see Daniel's mom, obviously drunk, yelling at him. He looks scared.

I grab my phone and dial 911. "911 what's your emergency?" The operator asks. "Hi, um, I'm afraid my boyfriend's abusive mom is going to hurt him." I say, truly worried about Daniel. "What's the address?"

"*insert address here*" I whisper, not trying to let Daniel's mom hear.

I motion for my mom to go upstairs with Mackenzie and Riley.

After a few seconds of watching Daniel dodge objects being thrown at him, I run and stand in front of him and as I do, I hear sirens outside of the house.

"911 open up!" I hear a voice yell from outside the door. I run from in front of Daniel and open the door. The officer puts Mrs.Seavey in handcuffs and she tells me that Mrs.Seavey will be charged with cases of aggravated assault and battery. Her hearing is in 40 days.

Daniel run over to me and hugs me and says "I love you, but you shouldn't have put yourself in danger for me."

"I love you too, and what do you mean by putting myself in danger?" I ask, genuinely confused. "Standing in front of me. My mom could've hit you." Dani says frowning. "Baby, I would have rather gotten hit than you. And if she's gonna try and hit my boyfriend, she will most definitely have to get through me first" I say.

Another prewritten chapter

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