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I invited Jachary and Jonah over. "Babyyyyyy" i say, calling Dani's attention. "Wassup babe" he says. "I love you" "I love you too" I peck his lips as Jack, Zach and Jonah walk in the door. "No PDA here" Jonah says and jack laughs.

"First of all, it's not public if it's in our home, second, I know that's you and Billie. Third, Jack you can't be laughing, you and Zach can't go an hour without sucking each other's faces." Dani says. "YOU BITCHES GOT EXPOSED!" I yell.

Apparently Billie heard that and walked out of the room with Mackenzie and Riley. "What's a bitch?" Riley asks. I fall on the floor laughing and Billie says "Riley that's a bad word, don't be like Corbyn, don't say bad words" wow Billie, I know you didn't just tell her to not be like ME and cuss, you cuss worse than if Gordon Ramsey was an angry sailor. Like damn.

Dani laughs and I say "hey, you're supposed to be on my side here!" I say acting defensive, then giggling.

These boys are idiots. "Heyyy!" Zach says. I bust out laughing, not realizing I sad that out loud. "Ok but like can we all just shut the fuck up and listen to Billie's album?" Jonah says.

Why does Jonah always have to make everything about me? "Or we could listen to 'don't change'" I try making things about the boys and not me. "Nah, we made the song, we've listened to it enough, we should listen to When we all fall asleep, where do we go" jack says. "Damn, alright." I say and pull up my soundcloud and play 'Bad guy.'

"I'm that bad type, make your momma sad cry, make your girlfriend mad tight, might seduce your dad type, I'm the bad guy, DUH" Daniel yells along to my song. I giggle

Two chapters on time IN A ROW?! I promise I'm not going insane. I've just been prewriting because I'm working on a Billie fanfic.

~Meranda Besson

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