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Curbin (Corbyn)
I walk to the cafeteria and see Daniel at the entrance. "Hey," I say and smiles he nods at me. We walk in and go to the back table. We are about to sit down when the asshole stops us. "Are the gay boy and the boy who's to dumb to talk friends now?" for fucks sake, can he leave us alone for once? What the hell does he want now? "the fuck do you want Jake?" He looks back and forth, from Daniel to me. He pushes me to into Daniel, making me fall on him. 

I hurry and stand up and help Daniel up. I punch Jake and yell "Fuck off, asshole!" then Daniel and I walk back to our table.

I sit down beside Jonah and Jack, who is beside Zach when I hear "Corbyn Besson to the principal's office, I repeat, Corbyn Besson to the principal's office." Fuck. What the hell did I do this time?

"Ooooooh, you're in trouble!" Jonah says and laughs. This boy needs to learn when to shut up. "Fuck off Jo." I say. "He told you!" Zach says. "Fuck off Zach! And Jack, you don't say shit either." I fire.

I drag my feet, stalling because i don't want to go to Mr.Benson's office. He's a bitch. He acts like Bryan and Jake are perfect and do nothing wrong.

"Hey, Mr.Benson, you called me?" I say with my teeth slightly gritted. "Yes, Mr.Besson, I was informed that you punched Mr. Jake Paul. Is this true?" That little bitch told, as if he never hits anybody. "Yes it is. You want to know why?"  He nods. "I punched him because I'm sick of him and Bryan bullying people, specifically me and my friends Daniel, Jonah, Jack, and Zach." Mr.Benson just looks at me like I was stupid I'm not stupid. (Ok I just quoted 'Aaron Burr, sir' from Hamilton:the musical. I'll stop now.)

"The Bryan and Jake I know would never do that. You will also be facing a week of suspension. You may go home immediately." He says. What the fuck?! "Then you obviously don't know Bryan and Jake. And the fact that I'm being suspended for defending my friends and I, is bullshit. especially when i had to defend us from this two assholes!" I yell and walk back to the cafeteria with my bookbag that has my stuff in it. 

"Hey guys," I say. "SPILL. THE. FUCKING. TEA." Jack says, passive aggressively. Damn bitch, nosy much?

"Ok, so I'm suspended for a week for punching Jake." "That's bullshit! You were defending you and Dani." Jonah replies. Daniel texts me says saying I don't care what went down. I know you were defending yourself. I gather all of my things into my backpack and walk home.

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