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"Excuse me," The nurse says as she walks in my room, preparing to bring me to therapy. "ready to go for your last round of therapy before your evaluation" "yeah" I reply quietly.

I walk into the therapy room and I'm greeted by my therapist. "Good afternoon Mr.Besson" "Hi"

I zone out, saying the same things as usual. They always ask the same questions. "you're good to go Corbyn" I wander around the rehab facility and wait to be told they're ready for my evaluation. I text Daniel and say 'I'm about to go in for my evaluation now, wish me luck' and he replies 'wish you the best of luck baby'

I walk back to my room and sit down. (Idk how any of this works so don't come at me) They put me on a lie detector test and ask questions about how I've been feeling.

I answer all of the questions honestly and I'm told I am being discharged today.

I call Daniel "Hey Corbs," Dani says. "Hey baby, guess who got discharged from the rehab center today" I squeal.

"Finally babe! I know it's only been two and a half months but it felt like an eternity" yes I was there for two and a half months. I wasn't doing well or adjusting so they had me there for an extended period of time. Daniel already went back to school and made up his work.

"I know baby, and I can't wait to see you." "I'll be on my way to pick you up now love" he says sweetly. Damn, before I met Dani, I thought love was just something idiots felt, but this boy has a hold on my heart that I couldn't break if I wanted to. And there have been times when I wanted to. It has been overwhelming and humbling, and even painful at times, but I could not stop loving him any more than I could stop breathing. I'm hopelessly, irretrievably in love with him. More than he knows.

I feel somebody hugging me. "Guess who!" He says. "Hmmm, Klaus from Umbrella Academy?" I laugh. "I see you've been watching Netflix while you've been here" Daniel giggles. "I love you" Dani says. "I love you too darling" I reply and peck him on the lips.

Hola people! Fun fact: I wrote this on a school laptop in social studies class. Also a couple of my friends from school might see this so if you do, hi Vicki and Nadia.


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