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(a/n: pls pm/dm me on here or instagram @limelight.m or pretty much contract me in some way with ideas for this book. I have part planned out but that won't happen for a while)

I call Jonah and confirm the plan.

I'm taking going to a park where Dani and I will go on a walk together, with the only lights in the park coming from street lamps, until we get to these 2 trees that have heart shaped leaves, where there will be a sign saying 'Will you, Daniel Seavey, be my boyfriend?' and I'll walk and stand beside the sign.

I hope this goes as planned.

I look at my phone and see a text from Corbyn saying to meet him at the green bench at the park in 20 minutes.

I get in the shower and get dressed.
I put on my black ripped jeans and grey shirt, along with my black vans (lace up not slip on) and head out the door and drive to the park.

I meet Corbyn by the green bench he wanted me to.

"Hey, Dani." Corbyn says as he walks up to me, wearing a black jacket, dark blue shirt, and black jeans.

I smile and we walk together.

Deep breaths Corbyn, deep breaths.

We approach the tree and I leave Daniel's side to stand beside the poster. Daniel looks shocked, but emotionless at the same time.

After about five minutes, tears start to form in my eyes as I slowly walk away from the park with my head down.

I should have known he was going to say no. Why the fuck would somebody be so stupid as to date me, with my stupid hair, ugly face, and annoying, depressed, personality?

*😍Dani😍 was changed to 💔💔*




Corbyn please answer me I know you're reading this.


Why not.

I walk to my bathroom and shuffle through the drawers under my sink. I pull up the sleeves on my sweater and make 4 cuts on my wrist; 1 for liking Daniel, 1 for thinking he'd ever like me back, 1 for asking him out, and 1 because I'm me, and everybody hates me.

I rinse the cuts and lay down on my bed. I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

Fuck. This is all my fault. I was in shock and awe so I couldn't answer Corbyn at the moment, not that I would verbally answer anyway.

I ruined my chances of being with Corbyn. I walk back to the bench and sit down.

My tears begin to mix with the heavy rain that's falling, while my heart is physically in pain.



I eventually get up and walk to my car and drive back to the Besson's house.

I grab a pair of dry clothes, a blanket, and write a note to Corbyn saying:

Look, Corbyn, I'm really sorry. I was in shock and didn't know how to respond. People have been dared to ask me out before so I have some trust issues. I'm not a person to usually fall for anybody because that makes vulnerable and I'm afraid of my vulnerability, but Corbyn, you change that. I'm ok with being vulnerable around you. Please accept my apology.

I sit the note on Corbyn's bedside table, go to the bathroom and change, then finally, go and lay down on the couch.

Ok so late update sorry, but this is gonna happen when I write chapters that are longer than 200 words and this chapter is 600 words.


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