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I wake up to Riley and Mackenzie saying that they're hungry. "Ok, I'll be Downstairs in a minute" I signed. I open the door and smell, Belgian waffles?

I walk downstairs and Mrs.Besson says "Good Morning honey." I smile and pick Mackenzie up in one arm and Riley in the other. I sit each of them down in a chair and make them a plate of food, then one for myself.

Soon enough, a tired Corbyn stumbles down the stairs. I make Corbyn a plate, then I collect everybody's plates and go to the sink to wash them.

"Daniel, sweetie, you don't have to do that." I write down on a piece of paper 'I know, but I want to. It's the least I could do after you welcomed my sisters and I into you're home.' And I hand her the paper. She smiles as I walk back to the sink.

I want to ask out Daniel today. I don't know if I should though.

You know what, fuck it. I'm gonna ask him out today. I just need to figure out how...

I've been M.I.A (no pun intended) but I'll be back once everything finally settles in school. I should be posting new chapters starting Monday OR Wednesday this week. I get home from school at 5:30 pm Maryland time (EST) so I might update in the morning. I can't update on Tuesday's at all because I have to be at school by 8 on Tuesday mornings and on Thursdays I get home at 5:40 usually. Also next chapter is when Chev is going to ask out Giraffe.


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