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Corbs and I pick up Zach and Jack to take them to school. It's finally the last week before graduation.

I have finals and there's something I want to do in a few months so that's extra stress. I start fiddling around with the promise ring Corbyn gave me when asking me out. "Baby, calm down. You'll do fine on the finals." He says, attempting to calm me down.

I'm gonna fail on all attempts on the test, I'm gonna stay back, I'll get made fun of,  my boyfriend is gonna be graduated and I'm gonna turn 19 in twelfth grade.

We get in front of the school and I park, walking to my locker to put away my book bag and go to class.

I sit down and tap my pencil, waiting for the announcement on the overhead to come on, allowing us begin finals.


I finish and lay my head down on my desk. Finished. I'm finally finished. For today, that is. I still have test for the rest of the week. The worst part of testing is if you finish early, you can't do anything. You can't sleep, you can't draw, you can't read. "Mr Seavey wake up" ms bladell says. That fucking bitch, I'm not asleep. "I'm not asleep" I say. "No talking. That's a testing violation" she replies. I turn sideways in the chair to not face ms Bladell. "Face the front Daniel."

This bitch got one more time to annoy me before I get my ass out of my chair and smack her in the face. Like fuck you and your testing violiations.

I lay my head down and watch the clock, waiting for the announcement saying testing is over and we can go to lunch.

As I watch the time, 38 minutes go by before the testing session is finally over.

I stand up and walk out of the classroom. Corbyn meets me outside the classroom so we can walk to lunch together.

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