Lily- An Unexpected Summer: Part One- So Much For A Relaxing Trip

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"We need to do something." Sirius declares as he flops on the couch across from where James and I are sitting.
"Like what? It's too hot outside." Alice moans. She's right. It's been abnormally hot this summer and going outside is like asking for a second degree sunburn.
"I have an idea." Sirius says.
I roll my eyes. "Well, then, tell us already!"
James laughs from beside me on the couch.
"My uncle left me a cabin."
"Which uncle?" Alice interrupts. "I thought you were disowned?"
"Alphard. He's Mother's brother."
"You can call her the wicked witch if you want." Alice says with a smirk. "She's no mother to you."
"Will you let me explain?" Sirius demands.
"Continue." James says with a smile.
"He left me a cabin. We're all free, so we should go. Alice, James, Lily, and I have to wait until fall to start our training anyways. Peter doesn't know what he's doing with his life. And Remus is job hunting."
"More like not working." Remus sighs. "I can't apply anywhere! No one takes a werewolf!" He looks disgusted and shabby.
"Remus, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need." I say honestly with a smile.
"I can't crash your sofa forever. Besides, you're a couple and you want your time alone." Remus declares.
"Remus, don't worry about it." James says with a smile.
"This cabin isn't far. We could go for a few weeks." Sirius suggests. "Wait! Will Frank be able to come?"
I raise an eyebrow. "Frank and Sirius aren't exactly best friends. They're always bugging each other about something. Like the time that Sirius was so drunk that he flirted with Alice and Frank beat him up... Fond memories...
"That might be a nice getaway." James admits. "We could get out of the city."
"Technically, we aren't even in the city." Remus points out with a small sigh. He's right...
"Oy! That's not the point."
I smile. "It would be rather nice to get out of the Manor. It feels empty without your parents, James." I admit honestly. When we returned from our last term at Hogwarts, Dorea and Charlus gave James and I the Manor as our wedding/engagement present. The house would have been James' even if we didn't get engaged. It turned out that the Potter Manor was given to the heir of the family after they completed their education about Hogwarts. Charlus and Dorea moved into a nice small house in a nearby village.
"I suppose, but with this lot showing up every single day, I don't ever think this place will truly be empty, love." James smirks.
"Let's go then!" Alice declares. "Frank has some time off this week and I could use some time away from his mother. She's so...strongly opinionated about everything..."
Sirius jumps up with a huge smile. "I'll go tell Peter! We leave in the morning!" He dashes out of the parlour.
"Well, that was interesting." James says as he stands up. "Sirius is actually organizing something."
"Apparently." I chuckle. "James, I'll start packing."
"Alright, I'll attempt to find Uncle Scott's tent."
"Why would you need that?" Alice frowns.
James looks at her with a look of disbelief. "This is Sirius Orion Black we're talking about. He's planning this. I'd rather be prepared than spend the night with squatters in the cabin."
"Or animals." I point out.
Alice's face pales. "Or any magical creatures for that matter! I'll go get some spell books!" She hurries past us.
"That seemed to work well." Remus laughs. "I'll deal with the food since the only thing Sirius will bring is marshmallows."
"Good idea. I'll bring crazy string!" I say cheerfully.
James and Remus stop and stare at me with confused looks.
"Bloody hell!! You've never played with a can of silly string?!!" I stare back at my best friend and my fiancé as they shake their heads slowly. "You poor things! What depraved childhoods you two must have had!" I turn and move towards the door.
"Moony," James says quietly. "Do you think I should be worried for Lily's sanity? What the hell is silly string? How can string be silly?!"
"Welcome to our summer paradise!" Sirius declares proudly as he sweeps his arm towards a....cabin?
"Merlin's beard!" Alice gasps.
"What the hell?" James says slowly.
Standing in front of us is a rickety old building. It's leaning to the left with an undeniable slant. The windows have been shot out, likely by teenage muggles. What have we gotten ourselves into?
"Black," Frank says slowly. "Have you brought us here to murder us?"
Sirius blinks. One. Twice. Three times. "The way the will stated it, it sounded like a cabin."
"Maybe...maybe the inside looks better than the outside?" Alice suggests nervously.
"Too bad Peter didn't come." Sirius laughs. "We could have made him go inside first."
"Sirius!" I protest. "He's still our friend."
"Let's go inside." James states.
"I guess that's not too bad of an idea, but it could collapse on us." Remus points out.
"Merlin, people! Are we not witches and wizards? Magic? Hello, does that ring a bell for anyone?" I roll my eyes.
"I am not a witch! But I look damn sexy in a dress!" Sirius batts his eyelashes.
I groan. No! Not back to Fourth Year! Not that party... That is one memory I'd pay to forget.
Everyone else seems to remember it except James. James just shrugs. "I was so drunk that night. I don't remember much."
"Probably a good thing, mate." Remus groans. "Nobody wants a replay of that night."
"Why don't we go inside?" I sigh. "I'm not going first though."
James grins. "Are you scared, Lily?"
I glare at him. "Of course not! I'm just thinking that a pureblood should go first. If this place has weird magic, Remus or I could die."
A grin slowly forms on Frank's face. "Black! Since this place is yours, why don't you go first!"
Sirius' expression morphs into the look of a kicked puppy. "Why don't we just go camping instead?" He pleads.
James laughs. "Sirius, you dragged us out here to go to your "cabin" for did you put it...right, a "fun relaxing week out of London". Now that we're here, you're going inside."
"Why am I even friends with you lot?" Sirius demands as he trudges up to the cabin's door. He flings the door aside and marches inside.
Alice starts humming a tune.
James turns and looks at her. "Amazing Grace, Alice?"
"Oh, I'm just starting Sirius' funeral." She explains. "At least the funeral will have nice music."
"Well, then." Remus nods. He starts humming along with Alice.
The rest of us join in. We all stare at the cabin. Is Sirius alright? Will he come out?
Nothing. The only sounds around us is the tune of Amazing Grace slightly off-key.
"Dammit!" James snaps. "Where is he?"
"AGHHHHHHH!" Sirius dashes out of the cabin with a look of pure terror on his face.
"Mate!" James exclaims. "What happened?"
"I-I...t-there..." Sirius tries to explain.
"I think he's in shock."
"Don't suppose he walked in on something inside the house? Like squatters or something?" Frank suggests as he scans the area.
"Let's find out." Alice decides.
"Sirius, what did you see?" James asks again.
"Death Eaters." Sirius whispers.
"You've got to be shitting me!" Frank shakes his head. "Are you sure?"
"Could could they have known about the cabin?" Remus asks.
"Reg." Sirius croaks. Regulus...
"Did they see you?"
"No." Sirius says more firmly.
"We need to get away from here and figure out what we're going to do. The entire Auror department is on either a training mission, a mission, or on duty guarding someone. We won't get any backup." Frank warns.
"Let's set up camp away from here and come up with a plan." James suggests.
"Well, so much for the relaxing trip." I mumble.
AN: Hey guys! Welcome to Ours To Hold! Basically, like I said before in Patronus Charm, this is going to be a collection of the adventures of the characters from PC, this book will span about three years, from the summer after Hogwarts to the ultimately tragic ending of the story of Lily and James.
Some of the stories will have more than one part (like this one), others will be just one part.
I'm open to writing about different events that you guys want to read about, so if you could tell me that you be awesome!
Updates are going to be on a "as I have time to write", so I'm already sorry about that in advance.
I meant to update earlier, but a test came up and it's one that I had to pass and studying was difficult so there's my crappy explanation about my not updating.
Thanks for reading!
The Patronus Charm is in the watty's this year so if you guys could go back and vote for it and spread the word that would be fantastic and I'd be extremely grateful.

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