Don't lie to me

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Slight trigger warning
Just Revised this. Re-read it if you'd like, there are some changes.

'You're just like everyone else'


'NO! Don't give me that bullshit. You'll just leave like everyone else! I'm always alone, and you know what? Maybe that's better! I'm such a fuck up that I ruin people Stephen! Now don't lie to me and say I won't ruin you! Tony Stark, playboy who fucks up everything!'

'Tony you're drunk.'

'I'd rather be dead.'


An empty whiskey bottle flew across the room and smashed against the wall, shattering on impact. The sound echoed throughout the empty apartment.

No matter how much Tony screamed and yelled, the guilt and anger he held consumed him. Stephen and Tony got into a very bad argument regarding Tony's mental health. Tony had been insensitive towards Stephen causing him to leave. Now he was sitting here, absolutely wasted and lost inside his own head.

Glass shards littered the floor of the living room along with empty bottles, books, and many scraps of paper.

Not caring about his own health in the slightest, Tony proceeded to grab another bottle of Whiskey and downing half of it quickly. The drink burned, and Tony cringed at the feeling. His world spun as voices bounced all over his mind causing him to lose his footing and fall to the floor. He grabbed his hair, pulling violently and his breathing came out in ragged gasps.

Nothing seemed real and everything started to grow darker. He was having such a bad break that it seemed he wasn't even apart of reality anymore. He was tired having have not slept for 3 days now. He was hungry, his empty stomach and the absurd amount of alcohol he'd consumed in a such a short time not mixing well. But out of everything, what hurt most of all was his heart. He made the one person that stood by his side leave.

He's gone
What have I done
I can't
I can't breathe
Stephen I need you

Tony looked up from the floor for a second before everything went completely dark and he now lay on the wood floor.
And in pain.


Peter exited the elevator, head immediately shooting us.

Someone who wasn't an enhanced individual probably wouldn't have been able to smell the alcohol from so far away, but Peter had picked it up instantly.

He dropped his bag and walked quickly to the common area. "Mr. Stark?" He called, hoping beyond hope the man was okay.

When no response came, he rushed quickly to where the source of the smell was coming from, fear coursing through his veins.

When he made it to the common room, a gasp escaped his lips.

He rushed to the unconscious man, noting the absurd amount of empty bottles strewn about. He checked to make sure Tony was still breathing, then used his strength to prop the man upright, leaning him against a wall.

Quickly patting himself down for his phone, he fumbled with the device, pressing Stephens contact and clicking call.

He waited a few agonizing moments before Stephen picked up.


"Doctor Strange! I'm at the penthouse and I found Mr. Stark passed out- he's still breathing but I don't know if he's okay-" the boy rambled.

"I'm on my way." Stephen said, successfully quieting the boy.

Peter almost cried in relief, looking at the disheveled form of his mentor. He thanked the doctor and hung up the call, only needing to wait a few more moments before Stephen opened a portal a few feet away from him.

The man didn't look to great himself, hands obviously shaking more so than usual and noticeable eye bags.

Stephen walked quickly to Peter and Tony, kneeling down to check Tony's vitals.

The doctor was quiet, trying to keep his emotions at bay.

"I've got him. You can go to your room, I promise I'll get you if anything happens." Stephen said. Peter looked a little torn, glancing from Stephen to Tony. He eventually nodded, standing up and walking back into the penthouse.

"Oh Tony.." Stephen whispered, brushing back a stay hair in the mans face.

He looked towards the cloak, "Can you bring him to his room, he's going to be disoriented when he wakes up. Make sure he doesn't hurt himself." Levi detached themselves from Stephen and nodded curtly, wrapping around Tong and taking him away.

Stephen cursed himself, looking around at the mess Tony made.

He used magic to pick up the shattered glass, getting rid of it easily. The wall where the bottle was shattered would need to be repainted.

The doctor went around the room, picking up discarded paper, briefly glancing at what was written.

He froze when he found a hand written note.

Dear Stephen or whoever finds this
I'm sorry
Tell them all I'm sorry
I love you

Stephens hands trembled violently as he set down the papers he'd collected. He stood and rushed quickly to his and Tony's room, opening the door.

Tony was sitting against the head post, knees pulled tightly against his chest. His had a blank look on his face, eyes unfocused.

Stephen climes onto the bed, hesitantly reaching out to Tony.

The shaking hand on his shoulder pulled Tony out of his daze, eyes darting up to meet Stephens.

"Why are you here?" Tony asked, voice quiet. Stephen places both hands onto Tony's shoulders, turning the man to face him.

"I never should've left." Stephen said.

Tony shook his head, blinking hard. "No," he rasped. "No, you shouldn't be here. I fucked up-"

"Tony." Stephen said firmly, eyes brimming with tears. "I don't give a fuck about your mistakes."

"Take a look around," he continued.

"Because I am right here."

Tony looked up at him, a steady stream of tears now running down his face. Stephen pulled him close, holding him tight.

"I'm not going anywhere." Stephen whispered.

Tony shut his eyes tight, finally, for once, believing that he wasn't being lied to. Believing that the man holding him together meant every word he said.

Take a look around

Because I am right here

1040 words

Yall enjoy that angst


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