Don't you dare

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•don't wish me the best because you were my best•

(Bit of a sad one)

Stephen stood on the balcony, cigarette in hand, dry tear stains on his face.

"I wish you the best Stephen"

"Tony are you drunk?"

"Yeah I'm drunk and you were out at a damn club again! Am I not good enough for you anymore?! If I'm not just tell me!" There were bottles on the floor and a disheveled Tony stumbling as he yelled.

It was true. Stephen found himself stuck in a unhealthy loop of finding someone for the night just to stop the pain.

Stephen was silent as he looked at Tony.

Silence passed

"TELL ME!" Tony's words echoed through the house and Stephen stood there, tears threatening to spill.

"Anthony I'm so sorry-" his apology was cut off by Tony running past him and down to the lab. He didn't follow knowing it would only make the situation worse.

Finally he cried.

Stephen hadn't cried in months, resisting the urge by distracting himself with lovers, smoking, or anything else he could do.

He didn't know when this all started. The hiding emotions, coping with sex, smoking cigarettes as much as Tony drank.

Stephen brought the cigarette to his lips and breathed in, the smoke filling his lungs. He stare out at the city as he let the smoke exit his lungs and fill the air.

"Don't you dare..." he whispered as more tears escaped his dull eyes. "Don't wish me the best when you were my best." He didn't expect anyone to reply. He looked down at his shaky hands and clenched them in anger.

Stephen hated his hands. Even after everything that happened with the Mystic Arts, he still hated them. The scars, the shakes, any and all imperfections. The hate for his hands lead to the hate for himself. So he copped the only way he knew how.

Self destruction.

Despite his cocky demeanor he had a history of self destructive behavior. The sorcerer never talked, or told anyone about this, not even Tony- hence why he blew up at him. The string of "lovers" he had were usually at 3am while he was completely shit faced and unaware of his actions. Even when he had to deal with the hangover in the morning he never stopped.

The cigarette was now just the bud and Stephen pulled out another one and placed it in his mouth.

"Those things will kill you y'know." Stephens head turned quickly at the voice, recognizing it as Natasha.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked and Stephen just shrugged, returning to his previous position. "Why are you here?" He questioned when she stood beside him.

"Tony called me." Stephens throat tightened and he placed his head in his hands. "Shouldn't you be with him them." Stephen pressed, trying his best to keep tears from falling again. Nat sighed and turned away from the man.

"He asked me to make sure you were okay." This time Stephen couldn't stop the tears from falling. Despite everything Strange had done to him he stilled care so much.

"I fucked up so much Nat." Stephen cried. Natasha was a bit surprised but did her best to comfort him all the same.

"I don't deserve him- I don't- look what I've done- all because I couldn't face my emotions." Stephen was crying more than he had in months.

"Don't you dare say that. You fucked up but that does not mean you don't deserve him. He loves you so much and that's why he blew up at you." Natasha's voice was stern yet sincere. Stephen looked at Natasha with broken eyes.
"I can't fucking believe I feel back into this shit again. I just didn't want to tell him, he has to worry about so much already." Stephens voice cracked as he spoke.

"Can you make sure he sleeps? I don't think he wants to see me right now and I need some time." Nat nodded and left the broken man to his thoughts.

Stephen had no idea that Natasha had decided to record the entire conversation and planned to play the recording for Tony. She was one of the worlds top assassins, she knew how to make her way.

-time skip-

Stephen spent almost the entire night on the balcony. If not for Natasha he probably would have been out there all night or wasting away at a bar. Stephen was walking to his and Tonys room when he stopped dead in his tracks.

"I don't deserve him- I don't- look what I've done- all because I couldn't face my emotions." Stephens crying voice was soft as it was muffled through the door of his room.

The rest of the conversation played and he then realized that Nat had recorded the entire thing. He quickly went into the room to see Tony leaning against the wall, Nat by his side. A water bottle and painkillers were sitting next to him.

As soon as Tony saw Stephen he stood quickly, rushing over to the taller male and wrapping his arms around him. Stephen was confused but quickly hugged him back, apologizing excessively. Nat left the room to give them space.

Tony cried into Stephens shoulder for a while before finally deciding to speak.
"You smell like cigarettes..." he mumbled. He sobered up a bit but was clearly still out of it. Strange did his best to laugh or even give a smile at his lover.

"You know you can talk to me right?" Tony mumbled into Stephens chest. Stranges throat tightened again and he sighed. "With all you've done for me that's the least I can do..." Starks words were slurred but genuine. Coming from a personal perspective, Tony knew what Strange was going through.

"I know." With that the two lay down and sleep until late hours.

974 words

Ehhhhhh I hate this one


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