protective dads

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hi I refer to Tony as dad or Mr stark for peters POV

Peters POV

I really, really, am considering letting myself get stabbed right now. Maybe I could fake being sick? No, he would see through that. Fuck! Having a doctor dad is so frustrating. 

Tomorrow my school is going to Stark Tower for a field trip and I am so ready to curl up and die.

"C'mon Pete it'll be fun!" Dad persisted and I groaned, holding a pillow to my face.  "I am going to die, dad," I complained, my voice muffled by the pillow. Dr dad looked up from his book to give me a stern look. 

"Why are you so afraid of people finding out about all of this anyway?" Dr dad asked and my breath hitched.

I knew the reason was because of Flash but they had no idea about him and I didn't want them to know. "It's just embarrassing dad." he didn't believe me entirely but looked back down at his book. 

"Look," Mr. Stark looked up from his computer, "We promise to try our best to not embarrass you. I'll tell the other Avengers to keep their mouths shut and if they slip up just come to me." I nodded, feeling a little more at ease now. 

Dr dad closed his book and stood up. "Alright, time to go to sleep kid." I nodded and made my way down the hall and to my room. 

-time skip-

Peters POV

"Hey, Penis!" Gross, my headache is already starting. I rolled my eyes and turned to Flash. "Not gonna be so cool once we prove your Stark internship is bullshit huh?" I scoffed and turned my back to him.

"Yeah, whatever Flash." I put my headphones in as I wait for MJ and Ned to meet me on the bus. Ned was the first to make it on and sat next to me. "Dude, you said the Avengers are gonna be there today right?" he flooded me with questions right away, fanboying over the Avengers.

"Hey losers." MJ's voice came and she sat in front of us, turning to face us in her bus seat. We all talked about random things as the bus drove to Stark Tower. 

Once we got to the tower everyone made their way inside. We were given instructions to make sure our bags were visible at all times and went through many safety procedures. 

"We will first be heading to the common room where Natasha or better known as Black Widow will be our tour guide." I paled and cursed under my breath. Aunt Natasha would always like to embarrass me but hopefully, she would listen to what dad said. 

Once reaching the common room we saw Nat playing with one of her knives in a very bored manner. She put the knife away once our class stepped into the common room.

"Alright, firstly we're going to go to the Avengers training area. I believe Captain Rogers and Clint are there right now." Nat made brief eye contact with me and gave me a wink. luckily no one noticed and I tried hiding behind Ned as we entered the training room. 

Captain Rogers was currently having a discussion with Clint who was doing some light target practice. "Rogers! Clint! The students are here." Nat stated and the two males turned to face us. 

Oooohhh I wanna disappear right now. I shrank even smaller behind Ned as Captain Rogers spoke up. 

"Hi, I am Steve Rogers and this is Clint Barton also known as Hawkeye." Captain gave a smile and I just tried my best to hide away. 

"Wanna tell them a bit of what you do here?" Nat suggested and I just really hoped that Captain's attention would be drawn elsewhere. Captain smiled a nodded. 

"Well as you can see this is the training room, we use this room to train for missions when we aren't at the compound-" and tuning them out. The next 10 minutes basically consisted of Uncle Steve explaining what preparation they go through for missions. 

"Alright well, muscle man and crow boy gotta go back to training. Next, we'll be heading to one of Tony Starks labs." The two moods that came from the group were excited gasps or silent whispers. 

"kill me now," I whispered to Ned and he just laughed quietly. "Is your Dr dad gonna be with him?" Ned asked me and I shrugged my shoulders in response. 

we all walked into the elevator and FRIDAY's voice came from the ceiling. "Natasha Romanoff, where will you be going?" the class looked around in amazement and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 

"Well be going to see Tony," Nat stated and the elevator began to go up. The elevator doors opened revealing Dr dad and dad having a conversation. They both turned to face us and smiled. 

"Hi, you all know me obviously," Mr. Stark joked, clapping his hands together. "This is Doctor Strange, wizard dude." Dr dad rolled his eyes and made brief eye contact with me. 

"I've got 20 minutes so you all can ask whatever questions you want and I will answer them." hands shot up almost immediately.

the first 10 minutes passed smoothly before dad picked Flash to ask a question. "Is Peter really your intern?" he asked a huge smirk played his face. I gave dad a pleading look and he turned to face flash.

"No," Dad stated and I prepared myself for Flash's gearing comments. "Hah! I Told you Penis!" my eyes widened as I looked at Mr. Stark and Dr. Dad who appeared furious. 

"Excuse me?" Dr dad whispered, blue eyes piercing into Flash. Flash gulped and looked at Dr. Dad. "What did you just say to my kid?" Flash's eyes widened in horror. 

"u-uh its a j-joke.."I felt everyone's eyes staring into me as Dad flared daggers at Flash. "Peter is this true?" Mr. Stark turned to look at me and I swallowed. I nodded slowly but Dr dad didn't believe me nor did Mr. Stark. 

Dr dad whistled and Levi was soon on his back. everyone stared in horror and in awe as Dr dad hovered off the floor and approached Flash. "Ever speak to my son like that again and I will not hesitate to make sure every college in America will never accept you."

Flash nodded, eyes wide with horror as he scrambled behind his fellow classmates. Dad gave a sickly sweet smile and turned his gaze back to the rest of the class.

"I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut the little session short," He turned to face our teacher, "you can leave Peter here and the rest of you may continue on with the tour." there were some disappointed sighs and other whispers from the rest of the class about what just happened. 

once everyone left I tried to get out of the situation "im...just my room." both of them gave me the 'are you fucking serious' looks. 

"Why didn't you tell us you were getting bullied!" Dad yelled and I winced at how loud his voice was. Dr dad raised a hand to calm him down.

"Peter this is serious. is this why you didn't want to go to the field trip?" Dr dad asked and I nodded my head sadly. "how long has this been going on?" Dad asked and I tensed even more.

"u-uh y'know...freashman year." I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for Dr dad Mr. Stark would've put on his suit and destroyed Flash in every way imaginable. "Peter if this continues you come to us immediately. understood?" Dr dad asked. I look down at my feet.

"Yes, dad." 

1272 words

I hate this but alright.

i wrote this on my computer so if the punctuation is a little weird sorry

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