Loki's a little shit pt 1

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I got an idea and it's f u n n y okay


"Why must you insist on coming with me?" Stephen asked, not bothering to turn around a face Tony.

"I don't trust the guy, alright. I know Thor said that it was Thanos' doing during New York, but I still don't trust him. He's the god of mischief after all." Tony explained. "Plus I don't know how I feel about you being his parole officer."

Stephen turned to face Tony, clearly exasperated. "I'm not his parole officer. And plus," he continued, "he's going to be staying at the sanctum so I'm able to monitor him."

"Who in the hell decided that was a good idea." Tony asked sharply.

"No one." Stephen said. "Just a better idea than him staying in Norway while Thor is rebuilding. Thor is one of the reasons I am alive, while I don't like doing this, I'll help him in any way I can."

Tony groaned, "stop being a good person."

Stephen smiled at Tony, amused.

Suddenly, there was a loud booming outside, the telltale sound of the bifrost. A loud knocking noise rang out only a moment later and Stephen glanced at Tony, "last chance to leave." He reminded, holding up his left hand which bore his sling ring.

Tony, being Tony, shook his head.

Stubborn. Stephen thought fondly.

The two of them had been dancing circles around each other since Thanos, both incredibly oblivious to their shared feelings towards each other, mixed with the fear of loosing their friendship.

The sanctums door swung open and Thor strode in, a hand wrapped firmly around Loki's bicep as to keep him from running off.

Loki's wrists and ankles were bound by shackles, more than likely preventing him from using his magic. And just Incase he were to perform a verbal incantation, placed firmly over his mouth was something similar to a muzzle, which Stephen found ever amusing.

"Thor." Stephen greeted kindly, Loki rolled his eyes, scanning Stephens figure before looking to Tony who stood a few feet away.

"Beer wizard! Man of Iron! It is always a pleasure to see you again!" Thor boomed. Tony kept his mask of indifference well, but the small twitch of his lips gave away his amusement.

Loki tried to get out of Thors annoyingly strong grip, attempting to pull his arm back harshly.

Stephen looked at him, unimpressed, Thor didn't even react.

"Thank you immensely for doing this, I do wish I could trust my brother while we rebuild Asgard, however, I feel it best to leave him in capable hands." Thor said.

"Don't worry point break," Tony said. "Stephen's a big boy, I'm sure he can handle a wannabe villain."

Loki cursed Stark loudly, though his voice was muffled as he struggled against his bonds.

Stephen still gave Loki that unimpressed look that made the gods blood boil. I will paint Asgard with your blood. He decided, annoyed.

"I assure you, it's no trouble." Stephen said, his gaze obviously softening as he looked to Thor. The god of thunder smiled again and finally, finally, released his grip on Loki's arm.

Loki attempted to phase a dagger between his fingers and Stephen sent him a sharp look, obviously noticing as his shackles prevented from doing so. Stark and Thor stayed oblivious, not being able to sense magic the way Stephen could.

"While I loath to cut this meeting short, I must return to Asgard now. It is important I give my people my undivided attention." Thor explained. Stephen and Tony both nodded.

"Remember that you can contact me if you've got government issues. Pep and I would be glad to help you." Loki didn't miss the flash of hurt in Stephens eyes, despite it being gone just as quickly as it had appeared.


"Of course." Thor said.

They all said their goodbyes and Thor left the sanctum, the loud booming of the bifrost sounded again.

Stephens expression hardened as soon as Thor left, settling on a look of indifference, one he wore much better than Stark.

"Might as well do away with those." He said, voice bored. He waved his hand and Loki's shackles and muzzle were gone. Immediately, Loki phased three daggers into each hand and threw them directly at Strange.

Stephen didn't even flinch as his cloak brushed away his attack. Tony had reacted more than the sorcerer, right hand reaching to his nano compartment.

Loki shifted into his armor, standing tall.

"You will be the first to die." Loki snapped. Stephen rolled his eyes, turning away from the god and trekking up the large staircase.

"Sounds fun, there's food in the kitchen. Tony you can leave if you wish, I have things under control." Stephen said.

"Things? I am a god, you dull creature!" Loki bristled, completely ignoring as Stark looked between him and Stephen.

"Fascinating." Stephen deadpanned, spinning around, one hand on his hip. "Are you done?" He asked.

Loki bristled and Tony snorted.

"Alright I'm leaving. Reindeer games, try not to cause my wizard too much trouble."

A light pink colour dusted briefly over Stephens features.

Oh. Loki thought. Oh.

He was going to have fun with this.

865 words


(I'm doing better btw so start expecting some updates.)


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