Little things

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I'm soft don't touch me

There's a lot of thing that Tony picks up on about his boyfriend. He eats ice cream straight from the container which pisses the billionaire off to no end. He hums while he works but will always deny it.

Strange is also often sucking on a peppermint, says it helps him focus. Because of this, his kisses taste of peppermint and tea. Even though Tony will never admit it, he always loved the taste of herbs on mint on his lovers tongue.

Before the accident and finding a new path of life with the Mystic Arts, Stephen hated the colour orange. He never really had a specific reason, it just always put him off. Now he adores the colour, it being one of the things that reminds him of his new found purpose.

The billionaire often found comfort when he looked into Stephens eyes. Some would say it reminded them of the ocean, or winter- the moon even. But when Tony looked into those eyes he saw the universe- his universe. Stephens eyes changed colour in different lighting so every time he looked up into those eyes he always saw new life.

Something that Tony could never complain about was the fact Stephen always fell asleep while watching movies at home. This lead to cuddling on the couch until the sun rose. Peter often got pictures of these moments before the two males woke up.

One thing not a lot of people knew about the sorcerer was that he enjoyed cleaning. It was a habit to clean when bored or stressed, but also something he did to pass the time, often found cleaning the dishes. Sometimes when Stark caught the doctor cleaning, he'd insist that he didn't have to and that he could call someone to tidy up the place. Stephen never budge however, always insisting on cleaning whatever he found that was messy.

Sometimes the billionaire woke up to an empty bed, often in the middle of the night. He'd walk out of his room to see where his boyfriend had gone to often find him with eyes drilled shut and shaking hands, swollen and red. Stephen hated when Tony found him in such a state, telling him to go back to bed and that he was fine. He was never fine. His hands would cramp and become swollen with pain that the sorcerer couldn't fall asleep. With a sad smile, Tony would go get some pain killers and heating pads until the pain was only a dull ache and his lover could finally fall asleep.

Stephen was also one to enjoy the silence, sitting in Tonys lab with a cup of tea and an old book, just basking in the others presence. Even while seeming enthralled with his book, Stephen would notice Tonys body language and if he suddenly seamed tense or started to appear tired. Tony loved and hated this.
He would hate it because when he planned to pull all-nighters to get work done, Stephen would notice the way his shoulders began to slump from exhaustion, then casting a simple spell where a blue butterfly rested on his nose and sleep would consume him. He loved when Stephen noticed if he was tense (he'd never tell him that) because Stephen would close him book and slowly walk behind him, wrapping his long arms around Tonys waist and place a gentle kiss to his shoulder, asking what was on his mind.

There were endless things Tony could name about Stephen; how he loved physical affection, the way his eyes crinkled when he was laughing, the way his eyes shimmered in the moonlight. Anything and everything about him sent Tonys heart soaring.

622 Words


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Ya boys been at work I just need to finish them off and work on corrections

I'll be posting them at random

There are chapters that are going into a lot of triggering things but I will put warnings

Also I do go a lot into shitting on team cap but again
I don't pick sides when it comes to that I just like those types of AU's


Feel free to leave requests and I see you soon


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