Trans Peter :)

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(Idfk a chapter name but this is gonna be a long one and more so a DadTony chapter instead of strictly IronStrange it's where Peter is trans eNjoY :D)

Peters POV

I stare at the mirror with disgust. I hated the way my hips curved and my chest- my god I hate my chest. I let out a loud huff and go over to a drawer and take out some ace bandage. (DO NOT EVER DO THIS) I breathe in deeply and wrap the bandages tightly around my chest till it gave a flat appearance. I took my shoulder length hair and put in a bun then placing a beanie over it.

"Kare! I'm home!" May called and I panicked. I shut the bathroom door quickly and started to breathe heavily.
"Hey, why'd you shut the door?" May asked trying to open the door.

"U-uh nothing May, I'm f-fine!" I pushed myself up against to door to keep it shut.

"Kare let me in!" I finally gave in and stepped away from the door. May came in quickly and looked very confused as I stood there shirtless with ace bandages around my chest and my hair in a beanie.

"What's going on?" She questioned and my breath caught in my throat and tears threatened to spill. "I-I'm a- I'm a boy." I sobbed. May sighed and quickly wrapped her arms around me. She was about to say my birth name again but stopped quickly, instead telling me that it was okay and she wasn't mad.

-1 year later-

"May I'm home!" I called but then realized May wasn't home and was gonna be gone for the next 2 days. I sighed loudly and dropped my bag on the floor. I unbuttoned my shirt and was left in my binder. Ever since I came out to May she's done her best to do everything she can for me. We didn't have much money so we could only afford a cheep binder and we were saving up for me to start T. It was a long way to go and would probably be a long time before we could fully start to go through with my transition.

Together May and I decided on the name Peter and that is what I had started to go by. I still never told May about the "powers" I had received a few weeks ago. I walked into the living room but froze to see someone sitting on my couch. The hairs on my arms stood up and I quickly backed up.

"Oh hey, Peter right?" I gasped to see who stood from the couch.

No it can't be him
Tony Stark?!

I then realized my current state and ran towards my room.


I ran towards my closet and put on a long sleeve shirt along with another button up. I stepped out of my room with my hands folded over my chest.

"W-what are you do-doing here?" I cringed at how high pitched my voice sounded. Mr. Stark looked up at me and stood. I shrunk down hoping I could just disappear right now.

"You're that spider kid right? Spiderling? Spider-boy?" I blushed and looked down at my feet.
"I-it's spider-man..." Mr. Stark smiled and went to pat my shoulder. "Not in that onesie you're not."

"W-wait, what are you even doing here? How did you get in?" Mr. Stark laughed "don't worry, you're aunt May knows about this, she's ecstatic about that 'Stark internship' y'know." I nodded slowly, catching onto his ruse.

"I-I still don't understand. W-why are you here?" I was still so confused.
"I need your help kid. You've got some mad skill and I need your help in a fight."

It was about 20 minuets later and Mr. Stark explained that he needed my help to fight half of the Avengers. He'd also told me he needed me to go to Stark tower so he could make a suit.

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