Too close for comfort

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Requested by @GhostlyMink

Tony Stark was in the kitchen on his penthouse floor of Stark Tower, brows knitted together in deep thought. He held a empty coffee cup in his hands, leaning against the marble counter.

May Parker walks in and raises an eyebrow in question. She walk to the fridge and asks; "penny for your thoughts?" Tony grinned. "I'm a billionaire, May, I don't think I need a penny." The woman smiled.

"Fine, quarter for your thoughts?" Tony snorted and went to refill his cup. "Sure. I was thinking about tonight- which, by the way you're still invited to come." Tony said, referring to "Avengers game/movie night".

"Nah, I got a date. But what about tonight?" Tony smiled. May had been trying really hard to do so much for Peter that she hardly took time for herself, so it was nice to hear she was going on a date.

"You gotta tell me about it later. But I was thinking about bringing Stephen tonight. I've pushed away the idea of the team meeting him aside from when the world is having a crisis." May hummed and pulled out some leftovers.

"It would probably be best to finally introduce him properly to everyone. I mean, Peter likes him, even called him pops once." Tony almost choked on his coffee but a huge smile was plastered on his face.

"Peter, May, dad, and Pops; one big dysfunctional family." May laughed and gave a nod of agreement. There was something extremely domestic about the current situation that made Tony smile.

After a few moments of comfortable silence May spoke up again. "I think you should bring him." She offered a small smiled which the billionaire happily returned. "Honestly I'm surprised you've been able to keep your relationship with a him a secret for so long."

Tony hummed in agreement. "I can control reporters easily but it's honestly a little shocking how majority of the people who live here haven't noticed." May's phone went off and she smiled at the screen then finished off her food, she pocketed her phone. "Well, I'm off. Do me a favour and make sure Pete goes to bed right after parol, kid hasn't been sleeping because of finals." Tony nodded and waved May way with a smile.

Magic Man

-you're invited to game night Merlin.-


Stephen was already at the compound, doing some training with Wanda for the day so it wasn't a surprise to walk in on both of them in the common room together, having a calm discussion while Wanda painted Stephens nails. (View end of chapter if you're confused why I added that)

"Hey Stephen, Wanda." The billionaire greeted with a smile, taking a seat next to the doctor. "Figured I'd just stay till the games start. No point in me leaving when I'm coming back later." Tony hummed in response and watched Wanda work.

"Is Peter joining tonight?" Wanda asked. "Yeah, he'll join before he goes on parol then straight to bed." The witch laughed a little. "Everyone should be joining soon so I'll set up the games."

As Tony stood Wanda called out to him. "Wait, Tony." He turned back to her and raised a brow. "Yeah?"

"Are you guys gonna tell that about your relationship? You guys are barely able to keep your hands off each other so I doubt you can hide it any longer." Stephen snorted and Tony scoffed, but huffed a laughed. "Yeah, that's the plan. Also can you blame Stephen, it's hard to not wanna touch this."


The Avengers slowly filed into the room, each sitting about the room and chatting amongst themselves. Steve sat next to Tony, Stephen on the other side of him. Natasha was spinning a knife while chatting with Pepper. Wanda and Vision sat together on a beanbag, Wandas head resting on the androids chest. Peter was chatting happily with Stephen about his biology class (from what Tony picked up).

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