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3 more previews, nothing is beta read so don't be surprised if there are typos n shit and read the authors note.

No. 1

Stephen, Tony, Bucky, Peter, Steve, Rhodey, and co. We're all chilling in the common room, talking amongst themselves when Stephens phone rang.

When Stephen pulled out his phone and looked at the caller I.D he seemed to pale a little, rising to his feet.

"Christine! Love of my life, how-" He was abruptly cut of by some very loud yelling coming from whoever was on the other end of the line.

"Yes I kn-" more yelling, "Today?!" More yelling. "Wait now?!"

Stephens clothes shifted into a traditional black suit as he started to walk towards the door. "Where are you?" He asked. A few seconds passed and he summoned portal in front of him. Behind it stood a woman in a very elegant blue dress, looking very agitated.

Stephen puts both palms towards her as she bodily drags him through the portal, which fizzles our behind him a second later.

Everyone in the room looks around at each other in silence.

"What the fuck just happened?"


"Hey, Strange!" Rhodey calls as soon as Tony and Stephen arrive back at the compound from their latest mission.


"Some lady came by not too long ago and was asking for you. She seemed worried, but she had your cloak thing so I let her in." Rhodey said. Stephen and Tony exchange quick glances and Stephen lifted one shoulder in a shrug.

"Guess that answers one of my questions. Where is she?"

"Common room."

Stephen nods and thanks Rhodes, walking to the common room with Tony.

Once he enters a female voice yells "oh thank god!" And a woman rushed forward, taking Stephens face in both hands and checking him closely for some sort of injury.

Once she finds nothing serious a let's both hands fall back down to her sides and sighs, frustrated. "You can't keep doing that! You're gonna give me a heart attack before I even reach 50!"

Tony looks a little confused, glancing between Stephen and the woman.

"Uh- Christine." Stephen says glancing to Tony. Christine seems to finally notice the billionaire and her cheeks flush lightly.

"Oh! I'm so sorry- wait." She says. "You're..Tony Stark, as in-" she looks directly at Stephen and a devilish smirk made its way onto her face. Before she could even say anything else Stephen clapped one hand over her mouth and smiled at Tony.

"Well it was lovely seeing you Christine, but has you can see, I'm fine." He summoned a portal and pushed her through.

"Wait! I wasn't done yelling at you!" She yells, pulling Stephens hand away. "You better not cancel on Tuesday again, I hate having to explain to Jane every-"

The portal closed and Stephen pinched the bridge of nose.

"What?" Tony asked, "just happened?"

"That was Christine, current bane of my existence."

Tony blinks and shakes his head, trying to fight off the feeling of disappointment and mild jealousy.

"O-kay," He says, dragging the word out. "Still coming down to the lab with me?"

No. 2
(It gets better as the chapter continues but there's violence so I won't show that bit till the chapters done)

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