Strange, huh?

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Peter walked out school and pulled out his phone.


P: I'm gonna be taking the subway today please make sure Mr Stark doesn't kill me please.

H: whatever kid


Today hadn't been the best of days and all Peter wanted right now was to take his time getting to the tower. Peter wasn't exactly lying when he said he'd be taking the subway to Stark Tower, but he just chose not to mention his little detour.

Peter knocked on the door of the NewYork sanctum and waited patiently. The two (Strange and Peter) had definitely gotten closer after being stuck in the soul stone together, so Peter would pay visits to the sorcerer occasionally.

The door of the sanctum opened and Stephen looked down at the teenager. "Hey, Kid, What are you doing here?" He asked and moved out of the way to let Peter step inside.

Peter shrugged, walking in. "I'm not having the best of days so I don't really want to go to the tower right now." Stephen frowned at this.

"What's wrong?" Stephen asked, genuinely concerned for the teen. Peter didn't really want to tell Strange that he was having trouble with being bullied so he just shrugged again.

"Do you wanna stick around for a little while and you can help me practice some spells?" Strange suggested. Peter perked up almost instantly and nodded happily.

-time skip-

"How's Stark doing?" Stephen asked in the middle of trying to contain a small fire. Peter thought about how to answer. Tonys condition had only downgraded even more since the events that happened on Titan. Sleeping had become something similar to a distant memory for the man in iron, almost souly relying on caffeine to stay awake.

Stark had thrown himself back into his work as soon as they returned to earth, doing everything in his power to make all of his inventions better, thinking of everything that could go wrong. There had been a few times when Stark had such bad nightmares that Peter had to calm him down with little success.

"Peter?" Stephen called, waving a hand in front of his face. Peter snapped out of his daze and looked into Stranges eyes. "I mean, if I'm being honestly Mr Stark has been getting a lot worse. I'm really worried about him." It was clear the young boy cared for Tony Stark.

Stephen gave a sad smile. "What's been going on with him? I could take a look at him." Peter smiled at Stephens offer.

"That would be amazing. He hasn't been sleeping and every time he does he always gets a really bad nightmare, repeating random phrases over and over again before going back to his work." Stephen nodded his head and reached in his pocket, grabbing his sling ring.

"Alright kid, I'm gonna check on him, he's probably freaking out because you're still not home yet so c'mon." With that Stephen opened a gateway to Stark tower and the two stepped in.

-Tonys POV-

I sat at my desk, leg bouncing as I debating calling Peter. Happy told me that he was taking the subway to the tower so I knew it would take a bit longer than driving regularly.

I gulped down the rest of my coffee and made my way to get another one. I stopped in my tracks when a sparkling noise came from behind me. I turned and saw that Doctor Strange guy and Peter step out. I sighed in relief and walked towards Peter.

"I thought you were taking the subway! Christ you gave me heart attack!" I did my best not to yell at him but I wasn't really fully aware of my whole body. I turned to look at the Wizard dude. "What are you doing here?" I cringed at how harsh I sounded, rubbing my temples.

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