What are you doing here

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Smut this a long one and mainly plot in the beginning

-Tonys POV-

Things were never supposed to end up like this.
At least that was the plan.

I went to go visit Strange after everything had everyone who had died from the snap came back. Seeing someone die in front of you really causes a lot of emotional attachment, so I couldn't help but wonder if he was okay.

Even though I knew Strange was alive, it didn't stop me from becoming overly worried about his well being. I walked up to the sanctum doors and stood there for a moment, not sure if I should actually go through with this.

Without warning, I was suddenly inside the sanctum. I stumbled, not expecting the sudden change in environment. Stephen sat in front of me, wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a dark blue t-shirt. His hands were covered by yellow gloves and he looked very tense.

"Stark, why are you here?" I looked around myself and calmed down. "Christ. Some warning would be nice." I smoothed out my white shirt.

"Why are you here?" Stephen repeated. I rolled my eyes before responding. "I came to check on you." He furrowed his eyebrows, not seeming to believe me. "I'm fine. Now leave." I grew very frustrated.

"Strange wait!" This man was stubborn as hell. "Why do you care Stark?" I looked into Stephens' eyes to see that they were much more dull and glossed over than when I first met him.

"I saw you die, Strange!" I couldn't stop myself from yelling at the man. "You can't blame me from worrying about you so much when you gave up the time stone for me and then I watched you die!" Stephen seemed taken aback, as he didn't respond immediately.

"I don't see why you would need to worry so much." Stephen stood and turned away from me, looking very unstable. I walked closer to Stephen, trying to calm him down. "Stephen, why are you acting like this? You're clearly not okay, what the hell is going on?" Strange took in a deep breath and turned towards me.

"What's wrong is that I'm constantly reminded of the countless times I have died every time I close my eyes. What's wrong is that I have continuous paranoia about someone who shouldn't give a damn about me and now they show up and do the one thing I don't want them to do." I looked up at him. "And what is that?"

"Care." A painful silence fell over both of us. Tension was at an all-time high and we stood in front of each other, inches apart. "Why don't you want me to care?" I finally asked, after a few painful minutes of silence.

"Bad things happen to people that care about me." I felt an ache in my chest as I looked into his glossy eyes. Before either of us could say anything, Stephens cloak quickly wrapped us both up. I was pushed against Stephens' chest, unable to move.

"Levi!" Stephen yelled as he put up his hands, now being stuck with his hands on my chest. My face got very warm and I tried to look at Stephen with little success. "Stark..." I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from saying anything I would regret.

"Tony, I can't stop thinking about you and it's driving me insane." My face got an even brighter red and I closed my eyes. "At least I'm not the only one..." my voice came out barely above a whisper. The cloak loosened around us but still kept us close. I was now able to look at Stephen and I saw his face was a dark shade of red.

Before I knew what was happening, our lips collided and Stephens' hands cupped my face. I was shocked at first but melted into his touch, kissing back. I tasted honey and tea and smiled into the kiss. His lips were so soft and his movements so gentle and caring.

We pulled away and I looked into his eyes. His eyes shone with tears and his shaky hands rested on my face. "What do you need?" I whispered, doing everything in my power to be strong for this man.

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