A Few Small Moments

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This is my take for a few small moments between Tony and his family before Endgame

Not canon compliant


"What are you going to do?"

Tony looked up from the small piece of metal he'd been fiddling with, tilting his head towards Nebula.


"If we get to earth." She elaborated

Tony smiled, bitter. We're not going back. "I don't know." He looked down at the piece of metal again.

"Hey, how about we play a game."

Nebula seemed confused. "A...game?"

Tony shot her a lopsided grin, "You'll love it, c'mon."


Nebula helped Tony down off the ship.

When a familiar wiring sound met his ears, tears sprung to his eyes. Rhodey.

Strong calloused hands gripped his shoulders and the words got stuck in his throat.

Rhodey looked at Tony, disbelief and relief clear as day on his face. With a shaky voice he said, "I thought I said you'd ride with me."

Tonys frail arms scrambled for purchase, winding around Rhodeys neck and holding onto the man for dear life.


Small hands grasped at Tony's finger, big brown eyes looking up at him with wonder.

Tonys throat tightened, a shaky smile springing to life at his lips, only to be reciprocated a moment later by the bundle of joy in his arms.

Various cooing noises came from the others around him. Natasha was at her feet in a moment, making grabbing hands towards the baby. Tony playfully turned away from her, only turning back a second later to carefully transfer Morgan to her close friend.

A genuine smile reached her face and Tonys heart clenched, realizing how long it had been since he'd seen her grin like that.

He walked up to his friend and wound one arm around her shoulders bring her close. "Thank you." He whispered

No one commented on the tears in her eyes, too delighted by grin that lit up her face.


Pepper smiled at the man she loved, a look of understanding on her face.

Tony, while he felt sad, understood. "You know I love you, right?"

"Of course I do, and I'm not going anywhere." She said, her voiced filled with that same determination Tony fell in love with. "We're going to stay here, raise Morgan, and get through this. Even if it's just as friends."

Tony could see the tears in her eyes and pushed back his own, pulling her close and tucking his head into her shoulder.

"I love you."


Happy grunted as Morgan threw herself onto the man, giggling at his groan of faux pain.

"Wow! You're getting big. What are you? Two? Three?" He teased.

Morgan laughed, "No! I'm four now!"

Happy slapped a hand to his forehead, "Four!? Soon you'll be all grown up! You'll have to take care of your daddy."

"Oh, ha ha." Tony drawled, sitting down on the hardwood floor next to them.

Morgan leaned in close, like she was going to tell a secret. "Daddy doesn't like to be called old."

"Keep talking like that and you won't get your birthday cake." Tony threatened. Morgan smiled up at him, watching his stern expression crumble within seconds.

Happy laughed at his friend, knowing that his kids were the one thing that always got him to crumble. Even if they all couldn't be here.


"Tell me a story."

Tony blinked at his daughter, a playful grin slowly painting his face. "Well, once upon a time, a little princess named Morgan went to bed. The end."

Morgan giggled. "No! A real story." She insisted.

Tony thought for a moment, another smile coming to his face. This time, it was a bittersweet one.

"Okay," he sighed. "How about I tell you a story about the adventures of Spider-Man?"

Morgan nodded, eyes lighting up.

"Now Spider-Man was a troublesome boy, never liked to listen. But he loved to help people." Tony began. "He was a hero. And don't tell your auntie Nat, but he was my hero."

As Tony recited the tales of his late son, Scott Lang began making his way to the Avengers compound, starting the domino effect of Tony getting his kid back.

708 words

That's a wrap!

If anyone's worried, I am making a second book and possibly a 3rd. The one that will be published right after the chapter goes up is a ironstrange one shots pt 2.

As some of you may know I'm not entirely happy with some of my earlier chapters in this book so I'm starting a new one. The third book that may be coming out is gonna be an Avengers reading dump. I'll do random one off chapters about the Avengers and crap like that.

I had a wonderful time writing this book and I hope to have some of you join me in the next ones


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