Lets go tell him

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This is short and sad just like me

3rd person

Peter walked home from school, making his way to the Tower. It was his senior year and he was about 2 months away from graduating. Walking down the sidewalk Peter kept his head down, as he was just trying to get home.

His expression was almost unreadable as he entered the lobby of Stark Tower. "Hello Peter, would you like me to inform your father that you are here?" Peter just responded with a quick "yes please." And went up to the penthouse level. Upon walking in he set his backpack down and sighed.

In his hands was a envelope. "Pops, I'm home!" Soft footsteps made their way into the common room and there stood Stephen. "Hey Pete." The tall man gave a soft smile.

Peter lifted his envelope and did his best to smile. "I got news." Stephen raised an eyebrow and walked over to his son. "What is it?" Peter opened the envelope and handed it to his dad. A wide smile spread across Stephens face and he wrapped the boy in a tight hug.

-We are pleased to inform you that you have been accept into MIT-

"Peter! I'm so proud of you!" The young boy in return couldn't match his fathers excitement. Stephen pulled away and looked at his sons face. "Hey kiddo..he'd be so proud of you alright? Let's go so you can tell him yourself alright?" Tears welled in the young boys eyes and he nodded, following his dad as they took the elevator to ground floor.

Stephen held a sad smile as him and his son walked out of the tower. Neither spoke as the sound of New York traffic filled their ears. Stephen kept his hands in his jacket pockets, absentmindedly playing with his ring.

Peter traced his fingers on the edges of the envelope. His eyes were clouded, body feeling slightly numb.

Soon enough, both Stephen and Peter stood in front of a place that made them feel sick yet gave them comfort. The air was tense as they walked into the cemetery. Graves of fallen people, names, numbers, quotes, flowers, and cards were placed on different graves.

Peter nearly collapsed when he walked to Tony Starks tombstone. Silent tears now ran down his face. "Hey dad.." he took the paper out of its envelope as Stephen stood further away, giving his son time to talk to his father.

"I..I made it to MIT.." gently, the young boy grazed the top of the gravestone with his fingers. "Are you...are you proud of me." Peter choked on a sob and bowed his head. "I know you are...I can feel it. I miss you, so..so much." Legs giving out on him, Peter sat in front of his fathers grave and cried.

Stephen walked to his son, sitting next to him as they both cried for the man they had lost.

A husband
And a father

497 words

I'm really sad right now so don't expect updates as of the moment. I'm having a hard time so I'm sorry.

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