Not without you

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Hey wanna get your heart ripped out?

Tonys POV

I really hadn't remembered much up until this point, or if I did my memory was failing me. I opened my eyes- correction- tried to open my eyes. Everything was bright, way to bright. The setting seemed familiar however.

Everything was white and I heard a familiar sound of a heart monitor. "Hey Hun..." I tried to turn to see who was talking but the voice sounded so familiar. I then realized someone was holding my hand. I did my best to squeeze my hand to tell the person that I was listening.

"Anthony...I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry...fuck I shouldn't have let you go..." I finally recognized who's voice this was.
"S-ste-" I was interrupted by a fit of coughs which made me painfully aware of how dry my throat was. Stephen quickly let go of my hand and quickly grabbed a cup of water and brought it to my lips.

I drank the water and relief washed over me.
"T-thank yo-you." I choked out, finally being able to turn my head over to look at Stephen. I heart sank at what I saw.

He looked awful. His hair was longer and sticking up in different directions, most of his beard wasn't it's usual style and now he had a stubble all around. He looked thinner, his face now appearing shallow and thin.

" look horrible." I was barely able to get the words out, my throat feeling painfully dry again. Noticing this, Stephen brought the water back towards me and laughed dryly.

"Lately everyone's been telling me that." I frowned and squeezed Stephens hand.
"How long have I been out." I asked slightly fearful of the answer. The words seemed to get caught in Stephens throat as he looked away from me.

"U-uh...1 week and 4 days..." my eyes went wide and I was suddenly able to find the strength to sit up quickly. Regret washed over me as I felt pain all through my body and Stephen went wide eyed calling for a nurse. I lay back down, shutting my eyes tight.

Some nurses rushed in and I guess gave me pain meds, I don't really know I was trying to not pass out again. When the nurses finally left I relaxed, looking towards Stephen.
"You need to calm down Strange...I'm alright." I did my best to sound witty to lift his mood. All Stephen did was give me a sad smile.

"Is everyone okay? I don't remember why I'm here." Stephen seemed to tense again, tears obviously threatening to spill from his eyes. Worry crashed into me from the look on Stephens face and I started to imagine worse case scenario.

"Stephen c'mon what's going on? Is everyone okay? Where's Peter?" Stephen finally broke down and began to cry and my eyes went wide.
"I'm sorry, Tony I'm so sorry, fuck I couldn't, there was no way, Tony he's gone. Peters gone it's all my fault I'm sorry I'm so sorry." My world spun as the endless apologies came from Stephen.

A loud ringing echoed in my ears and my vision blurred. The memories hit me like a train and my world spun.

"Mr. Stark?" I turned to look at Peter to see him on his knees, a large sphere plunged into his stomach. My heart dropped and I ran over to him.

"Hey Pete c'mon you're gonna be okay. You're okay, you're okay, stay with me." Peter collapsed in my arms and he looked up at me with those sad puppy dog eyes.

He smiled.

"It's okay Mr.'s okay....I love you dad..." the last thing I saw was the life drain from his face.


I sat up quickly not caring about the pain that rushed through my body. Stephen tried to get me to sit back down but I refused walking towards the window. I clicked my arc reactor twice and my armor formed around me. Once fully suited and broke through the window flying away quickly.

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