Jonah - Scary Movies and Tears

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Hi guys yes it's me angelseavey and i'm back from the dead here's this crappy writing piece with Zonah a not so crappy ship ;)

Everyone who knew Jonah knew he hated scary movies.

But everyone who knew Jonah also knew he was never one to be a wuss, so when he was asked to watch The Nun, a new movie that Corbyn decided to rent, he couldn't say no.

He knew it would most likely have a negative result, but he needed to be the tough guy he thought he was.

At first, things weren't as bad as he expected.

He felt his body slide down the chair a bit as his breath relaxed.

"Hey this isn't that scary." He thought, but in the course of the next few minutes he would completely change his mind.

The next hour was complete torture.

As the credits rolled through Jonah couldn't shake the graphic images he had seen minutes before. He looked down at his sweaty hands and noticed they were shaking violently, and he felt sweat dripping down his forehead.

The room was dark, so it would have been difficult for the boys to have seen this response coming from Jonah, so they began to tease the boy who didn't want to move from his seat.

"The nun is going to get you" Zach said jumping out at Jonah, as the scared member found himself pushing his body further into the chair he sat in.

Suddenly Jonah found himself jumping foreword as someone jumped up behind him and shook his shoulders. Trying not to scream was almost impossible for him.

Then the tears came. Slowly at first, but continuing to pick up as the taunts came from the other members. He knew they were just messing around, but they didn't understand he was getting pretty upset by it.

After a few more minutes of attempting to ignore their scares and frightening statements, Jonah who was now shaking violently as his cheeks were flooded by his own tears accidentally let out a whimper. He immediately regretted this, as the whole plan was to sound like a tough guy but here he was crying in front of his band mates.

"Wait guys stop." Daniel said, shushing the others that instantly got quiet.

Daniel went and flipped the light and had instant sympathy at the sight of the boy that the other 3 guys had gathered around.

Jonah squeezes his eyes shut in attempt to calm his symptoms and make it look not as bad as it was for him, but he failed.

The boys began to do what they could to comfort him, and apologized over and over again.

Zach got up on the chair and found himself cuddling into Jonah, whispering sweet things to him to calm him down, feeling incredibly guilty as he was the one who started what he thought was harmless joking around.

"It's okay jo, deep breaths. We are all here." Zach's gentle voice said as he pulled Jonah's head to his heart, the steady beat of it calming his racing mind, allowing him to let out a deep breath that he had been holding in.

Jack and Corbyn found themselves sitting in front of the chair, each using their presence and support to help in the process of comforting Jonah.

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