Jonah- Scoliosis

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If you don't know what scoliosis is. It is basically a curvature in your spine. It can cause all sorts of problems in your bones and growing.

Jonah always knew that something wasn't right. He knew that his back shouldn't always be in excruciating pain. He knew that he should have gone to the doctors ages ago.

He started to get a constant dull ache in his lower back when he was around age ten, but Jonah was always shy and he didn't know how to tell his mom.

So he didn't. He just lived with the pain. He could do it just fine until he reached age fifteen. That's when he noticed how his shoulders were slightly uneven. How his left shoulder was always a bit higher than the other. Even when he stood or sat up completely straight. He chose to ignore it and just take pain medications.

Around age seventeen he noticed how his ribs on his left side would stick out a bit more than the left. His hips were also a bit crooked. He didn't really take notice to it right away. He did notice the increasing pain though.

Age eighteen is when he started to get consistent pain in his back. Before he would only get it if he was on his feet to long or he was sitting up straight to long. Now it was all the time. No matter what he did he was in pain. The only time he got a bit of relief was when he was sitting down.

He was still good at hiding it though. He would slouch when he was sitting or hunch over slightly when he was standing. He would also stand leaning to the left so his shoulders looked more even. Jonah never wore clothes that fit to tightly to his body to hide his ribs.

Once he moved in with the rest of the band he knew that it would be harder to hide. He would always have to wear a shirt and he could never go swimming or to the beach with them. He could never change in the same room as them anymore. He couldn't let them find out.

In Jonah's eyes he was fine.

"Hey me and Jack are heading to Target to get some groceries and some other stuff. Does anyone need anything?" Zach questioned as he walked from the kitchen to the living room where the rest of the boys were.

"Could you get some paper towels? We never seem to have any." Corbyn asked as he walked in wiping his wet hands on his jeans.

"We need dishwasher soap stuff. We used the rest of it last night." Daniel was always the one to do the dishes.

"Umm could you get a bottle of ibuprofen for me please?" Jonah was laying on the floor with his hood over his head and on his stomach. His back was aching.

"Are you sure. Didn't you buy a bottle like a week ago?" Jack was confused as to why his eldest friend was asking for that.

"Oh I- umm- I lost it. I set it down but I don't know where." Jonah lied right through his teeth. He knew where the bottle was. It was in the garbage can in the kitchen because he had used it all.

"Oh okay. Yeah we'll make sure to get it then." Zach piped in with a chuckle.

"Thanks man."

They two boys got back from the store and they had forgotten to get Jonah's ibuprofen. Jonah had insisted that it was okay and that he just had a headache and he was fine now.

He wasn't fine. He could barely get himself up off the floor. His back was seriously killing him. It has never been this bad before and Jonah felt like he could cry any second if he moved the wrong was.

About twenty minutes later Jonah announced that he was going to get Starbucks but he was actually going to go to the store and get himself some pain medications. Just to make it seem realistic he brought his laptop and backpack to make it seem like he was going to Starbucks to get work done.

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