Zach- Emotional Breakdown

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Slight Trigger Warning. As the title says it's centered around an emotional breakdown but it could almost be considered an anxiety attack. Please don't read if you're sensitive to that. 💛💛

Zach missed his family.

He knew that it was silly, and that all the other boys did too. He is only 17. He is still a kid.

Zach was laying in his hotel bed just thinking. He was facing the ceiling with one arm behind his head and one laying across his torso.

Zach just wanted to go home. Not the home he shared with the boys but his home back in Texas. He wants to see his little siblings and his parents.

There was a knock at the door that made Zach jump. He quickly wiped away the couple of tears that fell and answered the door.

"Sorry I forgot my room key, but me and the other boys wanted you to know that we are going out for dinner in like 10 minutes." Jack looked at the boy he was rooming with and furrowed his brows. "Are you okay? It looks like you were crying."

"I'm fine Jack. Just saw a sad video on Twitter. I'll be in the lobby in a few." Jack searched the boys face and then hesitated before leaving.

Zach quickly but quietly shut the door. He let out a breath of relief and went to go get ready.

They five boys decided to just get McDonalds because the didn't feel like waiting for anything. Zach hadn't really said anything all night. He just wanted to go home a sleep but he didn't want the guys to know what was wrong.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry man." The man had run into Zach as he hadn't been paying attention. Zach had dropped his phone onto the pavement which then bounced into a puddle in the street. He was looking at some photos his mom had sent him of his two younger siblings.

He felt a lump in his throat but he pushed it away. "It's fine bro. I needed a new one anyway." He laughed and the man walked away. He didn't need a new one, he got this one like 2 weeks ago. A frown made its way back onto his face as he went to go pick up his phone. He had the smallest bit of hope that it would turn on but the smashed screen and the water dripping from the device was proving him wrong.

He just shoved it into his back pocket and ran to catch up with the other four boys who had stopped a bit down the street. He caught up with boys and shoved a fake smile in his face.

"We can go replace it right now if you want." Jonah could tell that the boy had been feeling down.

"If that's okay with the rest of you." Zach looked at the boys and they were all okay with it.

Jack ordered an Uber and then they all headed to the closest Apple store. He easily got a new phone and they all decided to just walk around for a bit.

After a bit they walked by a Starbucks and decided to get something to drink. Zach was waiting in line to get his simple order when Daniel called his name. He quickly turned around only to get hot coffee poured down his front from a teenaged girl.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Zach whispered to himself while the girl was continuously apologize and trying to wipe his white shirt off with her shaking hands.

"Oh my god I am so sorry. I promise I didn't mean to do that. I can buy you a new shirt." The girl was no older than fourteen. Zach felt bad.

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