Daniel - Lupus

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Hey girlypops!!

I'm back with another update.

I did a fuck ton of research for this. This is probably the most research I've done for a sickfic but it was worth it. 💛

Also disclaimer everything is not 100% accurate but I definitely tried my best. I just didn't want to drag this out so I made everything happen faster.

It's not my favorite I've written but that's okay. Also it's unedited since it's currently 4:42am and I'm tired.

Also I tried to add a ship in without it being to much so that's why it's not very long. I'm sorry. 💛

Leave lots of comments for me to reply to from my personal account listed at the end. 💛

Enjoy this bad boy.

To put it simple Daniel had a UTI. Or at least that's what his doctor said.

He had all of the symptoms. Well most of them at least. He had awful pain in his stomach. It hurt when he did actually urinate, not that it happened very much. He did often feel nauseous which wasn't very fun at all. He never actually threw up he just felt like he had to all the time.

He did notice that his face was puffy a lot. It wasn't very normal but some people were pointing it out. He also always felt nervous. You know that feeling you get in your stomach before you have to do a speech in class, the butterflies? He felt that all the time. He had constant butterflies in his stomach and his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.

Not to be annoying and complain more but he was also really fucking tired. The jet lag only made it worse. No matter how much sleep he got he always felt exhausted.

They were currently in an interview and Daniel couldn't concentrate on a word the interviewer was saying. He could see her lips moving but he couldn't register and comprehend a single word.

He just let the boys take control for this one. Or he tried to do that.

"Dani? You good?" Jonah leaned over slightly and whispered to him.

"Yeah just tired." Daniel hadn't said anything to the guys about how he was feeling.

He tried harder to focus but then he couldn't focus on anything other than trying focusing. Jonah nudged him again. Daniel just blinked and looked down.

"Alright folks that's all we have time for today! Thank you to the Why Don't We boys for coming down and keeping us company." The cameras stopped recording and then the lady stood up and walked over to the boys. Daniel was confused because it only felt like they were there for ten minutes. He shook her hand anyways and gave her a warm smile.

Jonah put a hand on the small of Daniel's back and led him away from the group. Daniel jumped a bit and blushed, looking down.

"Are you sure you're okay? You only said like five words the whole time." Jonah shoved his hands in his pockets and gave Daniel a concerned look.

"Yeah. I'm not feeling very well. I have a doctors appointment though." Daniel looked at his feet and ignored Jonah's pressing stare.

"Do you want me to take you?"

"No I'll be fine. I promise." Daniel slowly used the arm of the couch to stand up. He let out a heavy breath and grimaced at the dull pain he felt in his body. Daniel stumbled a bit and Jonah stuck a hand out and grabbed Daniel's arm.

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