Zach - Broken Patella

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This one is hella long so enjoy it 😂

Also the patella is the bone in your knee that basically just protects your tendons.

I've also never broken a bone before so I don't know what it feels like. I was also hella depressed when writing the beginning of this so that's why it is really sad. I apologize for that but it gets happier at the end. There is also an anxiety attack at the beginning.

Hella Jachary in this one too.

Zach was pissed. He was so upset with no one but himself. He hated how he had been acting recently. He's been telling everyone that he's fine. He is anything but fine.

The boy had just figured something out about himself and although it's 2018, he still didn't like it.

The youngest band member has recently realized that he also likes boys. More specifically his older best friend. Zach was so ashamed in himself.

He so badly needed to tell someone. He couldn't go to bed every night after their concerts and cry himself to sleep.

He was currently doing that. The boy was so exhausted and sleep deprived. It was currently only noon, on their rare day off, but the boy was already so tired. He had locked himself into his hotel room and was sitting on the floor against the door.

He was just crying. The crying was slowly turning into an anxiety attack. His arms were shaking and bleeding slightly. Zach had scratched them raw in his anxiety ridden state. His chest felt like it was on fire, like someone lit a match in his lungs. It felt like someone had put forty bricks on his chest. The boy couldn't breath at all. He tried to gasp in a breath but he just couldn't. He quickly took his yellow long sleeved shirt off because holy fuck was it getting hot in that dark room. He stood up on his shaky legs and gripped the wall for support. He tried to keep the sob in that was forming in his throat but he couldn't stop it. Another one came out as he clamped a hand over his mouth. He desperately didn't want anyone, especially the boys, to hear him. The boy paced the small room as he raked his hands through his messy hair.

He picked up his phone. He needed to call his mom. He knew the international call would would send his phone bill up but he needed to tell her. His shaking hands unlocked his phone and opened her contact. Another sob escaped his lips as he heard the loud dial tone pressed to his ear.

"Zach? Sweetheart what's up? Why are you crying?" His mothers voice was soft and sweet as usual.

Zach couldn't get any words out as he let out another cry. He wiped his eyes and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Baby I need you to talk to me. I can't help you if you can't tell me what's wrong." He could tell that he was upsetting his mom.

"Mom I- I'm sorry. I am- I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean- I really didn't mean for this to happen. I just-" Zach let out a choked sob. Just the thought of telling his mom was terrifying.

"Zach no matter what it is I will support you through it all."

"Mom I like boys." His sobs had subdued but tears were still rapidly falling.

"Oh Zach. Honey it's okay. I don't care if you like boys or girls. I wouldn't care if you were dating a tree. If it makes you happy it will make me happy. We will support you no matter who you choose to love." His moms voice was so soothing. The tears had stopped falling but he was still shaking.

"Thank you mom. Thank you so much."

"I'm just a bit offended that you thought I was going to be upset. You are finally being you. No one can change that. Don't ever let anyone tell you who you can and can not be. I love you so much Zach just remember that. Now I have to go because I have to get back to work."

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