Jack - Anxiety Attacks

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Trigger warning. I beg of you please don't read if you don't think you can handle it. It gets pretty intense. 💛💛

Hey guys so I wrote this one when I was hella depressed and my anxiety levels were so high. I also based this off of my anxiety specifically an attack I had the other day. I know that everyone is different so please don't attack me. 💛💛

A bit of Jachary as well. Sister sorry about it. 😂💛

Another update soon. I promise. I'm just trying to get situated with school and my tennis season is over on the 29th of September so I'll have more free time then.

Anyway I hope you enjoy. I also didn't edit this one because I wanted to get it up tonight. Let me know if any mistakes. 💛💛

Jack didn't know what was happening. He didn't know why he couldn't stop crying. He didn't know why he was shaking. He didn't know why he scratched his own chest raw. He most certainly did not know why he gave himself a bruised jaw.

The boy was pacing his bedroom on shaking legs. His hands were pulling at his messy curly hair. What felt like the millionth sob escaped the boy's throat. He covered his mouth with his hands as he didn't want anymore to come out.

It was currently three in the morning and Jack just couldn't stop thinking.

He couldn't stop stop thinking about that one certain person. He couldn't stop thinking about how disgusting he is. He couldn't stop thinking about how that certain person is right next door with his girlfriend. He couldn't stop thinking about how he will never have a chance. He mostly couldn't stop thinking about how much he fucking hated himself.

He needed to scream. He needed to let some steam off but he couldn't. Jack stopped the pacing and punched the wall with his left hand. He cried out at the pain and fell to the floor. He sat against the wall, that now had an indent in it, with his legs out in front of him and his right hand cradling his left to his chest. He had no idea how long he was sitting there but he eventually stopped crying.

There was a sudden knock at his bedroom door. Jack's head shot up from where he was looking at the floor to the door. He hoped that the person would just go away but another knock was at the door again. Jack pulled a sweatshirt off of his messy floor and put it on. He pulled the hood up into his head and wiped his face.

He slowly opened the door with his head down. He didn't want the person to see him like this. Although the hallway and his room was dark, the windows were letting in light from outside.

"Are you okay? I heard a loud noise when I came back up from taking Julia to her car." Zach's words somehow brought tears back to Jack's eyes.

Jack just cleared his throat. He didn't look up at Zach as his voice cracked a bit. "Yeah everything is fine. I'm not sure what you heard to be honest. It probably came from next door. You know how the Cooper's get on Friday nights."

Jack didn't even have to look at Zach to know that the boy knew he was lying. Zach grabbed Jack's chin to make the older look at him. Zach's face softened as he saw Jack had been crying. The boys' face was red and blotchy from crying, his eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't help the sudden sniffle every once and a while.

Right as Zach went to speak Jack pushed him away. "Don't touch me."

Zach was honestly shocked. The boy would be lying if he said he didn't have some unknown feelings towards the older boy. "What?"

Jack just backed up further into his room and wiped away the new tears that were falling down his cheeks. "I said don't touch me. Just leave me alone."

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