Corbyn - Asthma Attack pt. 2

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Hey girlypops!!!

Sorry that this took for fucking ever. It's hard to manage all the stories I write and this.

Just y'all wait until summer though. That is when I will prosper.

Also I didn't edit this but what's new.

I hope y'all like it.

Also leave comments for me to reply to. I reply on my personal account listed at the end.

"Corbs it's time to get up." Daniel tried to shake Corbyn awake. Corbyn just groaned and pulled the younger boy on top of himself. Daniel huffed and tried to pull away. "Baby we have to get up or we're going to miss our flight."

"Okay fine." Corbyn loosened his grip on Daniel and sat up. "What time is it?"

"Four thirty."

"In the morning?" Corbyn looked at him like he was crazy.

Daniel just rolled his eyes and let out a laugh. "Yes in the morning. Now up. We have to leave in a half hour."

"You're insane." Corbyn ran a hand over his face. Daniel climbed off of Corbyn and stood up.

"Whatever. Now up." Daniel walked over to the door and flipped the light on.

Corbyn groaned and covered his eyes. "Fine I'm up."

Daniel left the room and walked to the bathroom. He brushed his hair before brushing his teeth. Corbyn walked into the bathroom and hugged Daniel from behind. "Love you."

"Love you too."

"Can you believe it's almost six months already?" Corbyn kissed Daniel's shoulder before pulling back.

"I know. It's crazy." Daniel wiped his face and turned to face Corbyn. Daniel sent him a small wink before leaving the bathroom.

Corbyn used the bathroom before heading back to his bedroom to make sure he had everything. He grabbed his suitcase and headed down the stairs where everyone but Daniel was waiting. Corbyn set his suitcase by the door and sat down on the couch. He was tired.

Soon enough Daniel walked down the stairs with his suitcase and they ordered and Uber to the airport. The drive to the airport was quick since it was so early.

Corbyn got a little out of breath walking through the airport but that wasn't unusual for him. He just paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

They eventually got to their terminal and waited a bit before their flight.

Corbyn fell asleep as expected. When it was time to board Daniel woke Corbyn up. "Corbs it's time to board."

"I'm up." Corbyn yawned and stretched. They got in line before boarding their plane. They found their seats and quickly sat down. Corbyn had the window seat and was next to a middle aged woman. Daniel was sat in between a man and a little kid.

Corbyn looked around until he found Daniel a few rows behind him. Corbyn sighed and sat down. The lady who was sat next to him also looked around. She found who she was looking for and got up. Corbyn didn't pay any mind to it until someone who wasn't the lady sat down next to him. He looked up and was surprised to see Daniel.

"That lady wanted to sit next to her husband and son so she switched with me." Daniel smiled at Corbyn.

"Sweet. I don't think anyone is sitting there either." Corbyn pointed to the empty seat next to them.

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