Corbyn - Alcohol Poisoning

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For flomireault <3

The day was coming to a close as Corbyn got ready in his room for a party. It was a rare night off for the boys, and they wanted to make the best of it. They had been invited to their friend Brandon's house and all the boys were excited.

Well...almost all the boys. Corbyn wasn't really feeling it. Sure, he liked parties, but there were some days he just wanted to stay in his room and watch TV. But the other four boys were so hyped up for it, Corbyn didn't want to let them down.

The blond finished getting ready and made his way down to the kitchen. Jack was eating cookies while Daniel stood scrolling through his phone. Jonah sat with Zach, who was actually ready on time for a change. It looked like the oldest was giving him a serious talk.

"What did Zach do this time?" Corbyn asked, curious as to why the younger boy looked like he was in trouble.

"Nothing." Jonah answered, "Nothing yet. I'm just warning him that there's gonna be alcohol at this party and he better not do anything stupid that could ruin our reputation."

Jack began to sing loudly, "ZACH'S GOT A BAD REPUTATION IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!" Corbyn busted out laughing and soon the other boys joined in. The feeling right here in the kitchen, warm and friendly and home, was where Corbyn wanted to be.

The moment didn't last long though, "We should probably leave now." Daniel said and walked out the door followed by Jack. Jonah gave Zach one last long 'behave yourself or I will kill you' look before leaving too.

"I won't do anything dumb." Zach called after Jonah's retreating back. He turned to Corbyn, "I never do!"

Corbyn shook his head, "I could make a list Zachary."


Music was blasting so loud it made Corbyn's head hurt. He was trying to have fun at the party, but all he wanted was for it to be over so he could go to bed. Corbyn left the group he had been making small talk with to go find something to drink.

He was headed over to Brandon's kitchen when Jack came up to him. "Heyyyyy Beaannn." Jack slurred, a drink in his hand. Corbyn mentally groaned when he saw the tipsy state the younger boy was in, "Jack what are you doing? You shouldn't be drinking." Corbyn took the cup from Jack's hand.

"Awwww." Jack frowned, "But its not even baaddd. Just try it Corbitchhh." The curly haired boy pushed Corbyn lightly, making the liquid slosh around in its cup. 

Corbyn really didn't want to. He knew sober Jack wouldn't force him to drink, so Corbyn tried to reason with him, "Someone's gotta be responsible to drive all your drunk asses home." He pointed out.

"You're no funnnnn." Jack hiccuped, "That's why you're my leeaassttt favorite." The younger boy laughed to himself before staggering away, leaving Corbyn hurt and confused.

Am I really his least favorite? Corbyn glanced at the drink in his hand, Maybe one drink wouldn't hurt? The boys are right. I'm way too uptight and boring. No wonder no one likes me. A little alcohol would loosen me up.

Without another thought, Corbyn downed the rest of the drink.


Objects in front of him seemed to float in and out of focus as Corbyn stumbled through the rooms. Hot, sweaty bodies pushed against him, knocking him around. Corbyn groaned and clutched his stomach. He was gonna...He was gonna...

Screams sounded all around him as Corbyn doubled over. Vomit poured out of him, blocking his throat. Corbyn made a strangled gasp for air but only succeeded in choking on all the liquid he had consumed forcing itself out. He coughed and vomit splattered on the ground in front of him. The crowds cried out in disgust as they watched the poor blond's legs give out as he fell into the mess of sick. 

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