Jonah - Insomnia

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So I had terrible anxiety once again while writing this one so sorry if it's bad.

Also thanks for all the nice comments/replies on my message board yesterday when I was goin through it. 💛💛

I love all of you and stay beautiful girlypops 💛💛

Once again another ship but I'm not gonna tell you who it is. 😂💛😘

I also didn't mean for this one to come out so long because I know my next one will be really really long because of what it's about but it'll definitely have Jachary because I've already decided that so y'all have that to look foreword to. 💛💛

Enjoy 💛

Also if you want a dedication or whatever just comment a lot. I love reading all y'alls comments 💛

It's seven in the morning and Jonah still hasn't gotten to sleep. He's laid there with his eyes closed for over two hours. He just couldn't sleep. It's been like this forever. He's tried everything.

He's tried multiple medications.

Jonah decided to give up on sleep and go downstairs. He made sure to be quiet and not wake anyone up. He went into the kitchen to make coffee. He got a K-Cup from one of his drawers and put it in the Keurig. He refilled the water and grabbed a mug. He set it under the part that the coffee comes out of and pushed the button.

It made a beep and then started to brew. It only took a few minutes. He grabbed the creamer and put a bit in the coffee. He stirred it and set it down on the island. He went to the fridge and grabbed the eggs, butter, and orange juice. He grabbed the bread from the cabinet. Then went back to the fridge to grab the bacon from the freezer.

He plugged in the toaster and turned the stovetop on. He grabbed two pans from one of the lover cabinets and set them on the stove. He used coconut oil to grease up the pan before putting bacon in one and cracking three eggs in the other one. He was making fried eggs for himself, Corbyn, and Jack. Then made scrambled for Daniel. Zach didn't like eggs so he didn't make any for him. He made two packages of bacon before turning the stove off. He made two pieces of toast for everyone then unplugged the toaster. By the time he was finished the boys started coming downstairs. He made himself another cup of coffee before sitting at the island with the other four.

"This is really good bro." Jack looked across the island and at the oldest boy with a smile on his face. The others agreed and went back to their phones and eating.

"Thanks." Jonah looked at Daniel before looking away. Zach caught him and smirked at him. Jonah rolled his eyes but blushed and looked down at his food.

They were eventually all done eating and Zach had surprisingly offered to do the dishes.

"Hey Jonah can you come here for a minute?" Jonah looked at Zach and nodded. Jonah leaned against the counter with his third cup of coffee in hand.

"What's up?" Zach had a smug look on his face that Jonah wasn't liking very much.

"I know you like him. And don't even try to lie to me because I know. Ask him out." Zach was way to nonchalant about this for Jonah's liking.

"Are you insane? I don't like him and even if I did why would I ask him out? He likes girls." Jonah looked down at his coffee with a frown. He did like the blue eyed boy. He didn't mean to fall for him but he did.

"You're such a bad liar. I see the way you look at him. I'm not as big of an idiot as people make me out to be." Jonah knew that Zach was right. He just didn't want to admit it.

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