Zach- Depression & Self Harm & Anxiety

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Hey girlypops!!!

I hope you're all doing super well. 💛

Trigger Warning as usual. I know y'all can read the title so you already know what it's about. Please don't read if it will upset you. 💛💛

I actually edited this one so congrats to me. 😂😂💛

Y'all already know the ship I don't even have to say anything else about it. 😂😂

Leave lots of comments for me to reply to. I always reply from my personal account listed at the very end. 💛

Enjoy folks. 💛😘

Zach doesn't know why he hates himself so much.

Zach was sat in the bathroom of their currently empty house. He wasn't crying anymore he was just staring in front of himself with a blank look covering his face. He held a damp cloth against his bleeding arm.

He took the cloth away to see the gash that was in his arm. He sighed and stood up. He wrapped it loosely in a bandage and pulled his sweatshirt sleeve down. He quickly ordered an Uber and texted the boys saying he was going out.

When the Uber pulled up to the curb outside their home he grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys. He locked the door and jogged down to the car.

He opened the back door. "For Zach right?"

"Yeah dude." The guy in the front smiled at him. Zach forced a smile back and climbed into the back. The ride was quiet except for the music playing through the speakers.

When they pulled up to the entrance of the emergency room Zach climbed out and thanked the guy. He walked up with what seemed like a permanent frown on his face. He walked up to the front desk to see a very familiar face. She saw him and smiled before she realized exactly why he was there. He smiled and gave a little wave.

"Hey Miss Elizabeth." Zach didn't make eye contact with her as he looked down at the desk. He grabbed his ID and insurance card from his wallet and handed it to her. She didn't even have to ask why he was here. He comes so often and she works there almost everyday during the day.

"Where is it this time?" She handed his cards back and he put them back in his wallet.

"My forearm." He pointed to the exact spot. She nodded and typed some more on her computer.

"Okay follow me back here." She gestured to the familiar room and he followed as someone else took over the front desk.

She closed the door as they both sat down in their respective chairs. She logged and looked at him with a warm smile. She didn't even have to ask him to, he just pulled up his sleeve. She reached out with her glove covered hands and unwrapped his arm. She nodded and took her gloves off. She typed a little on the computer before taking his blood pressure and heart rate.

"You're going to need stitches again. Not very many this time though. I'm guessing three to five." She started cleaning up and logged out after saving his information in his file. "I'm going to grab the items needed for it and I'll be right back. I'll only be a few minutes."

Zach nodded as he looked down. She left the room and felt tears well up in her eyes. She had gotten to know the kid over the past nine months he started coming in. She shook it off and went to get the stuff that she would need.

Zach sat there and tried not to look at the cuts and scars on his arm. He knew that there was more everywhere else but he tried not to think of that either. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it to many texts from they guys.

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