Zach - Eating Disorder + Self Harm

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So my update streak is going strong. Also this is dedicated to aesthetic_memories because she wanted Jachary so I delivered. She also comments a lot and I love that 😂😂

So this is hella trigger warning. I don't want to hurt anyone with this so please don't read if you think it will upset you. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

I love you all and if you need anyone to talk to you can dm me. 💛💛💛

So this one is also hella long so pls enjoy. 💛

Also leave lots of comments I love to respond. 💛

This is also not edited. 💛

Zach didn't know where he went wrong. Maybe it was the fact he got into social media at a young age. Or maybe he has always been this way.

Zach was home alone because he lied to the boys and said he didn't feel well. Which wasn't actually that much of a lie because he truly didn't feel well. Not physically but mentally.

He was this close to killing himself.

He didn't know how much longer he could keep this up. Everyone was beginning to be suspicious. He could see the way the boys looked at him. He could read the comments that the fans left on his Instagram.

Zach was seventeen years old. He was around five feet ten inches.

He weighed ninety-seven pounds.

It all started from that one stupid comment.

'Has anyone seen Zach recently? He looks like he's gained some weight. I'm not hating. I'm just saying. Maybe he should stop eating out and work out.'

So that's exactly what Zach did. He started going to the gym of their gated community every single day. He cut his calories down to five hundred everyday. That number kept going down everyday. His morning run would consist of five miles.

"Holy fuck Zach get your shit together! It's not that hard to throw up." Zach was hunched over the toilet with his fingers down his throat. He had been doing this for years. He didn't know why it was so hard for him all of a sudden. He wiped away his tears with his free hand and sat back on his bum.

Another sob came out of the boys mouth when he hunched back over the toilet and emptied his stomach. He didn't have much in there. He gagged a few times before he coughed a bit and sat down again.

He stood up from the floor and stared at his bare torso in the mirror. You could see his ribs, his collarbones were heavily protruding, and you could see his hip bones sticking out under the waistband of his sweatpants. Not only that but his wrists and forearms were littered with scars and and fresh wounds. All of which he gave himself.

There was one that went from the crease of his elbow down to the palm of his hand. It was on his left arm. That one was from when he tried to kill himself in the winter of his freshman year.

He had a few fresh ones from about twenty minutes ago. He never went really deep so they had almost fully stopped bleeding.

He just took in a deep breath and started to wrap his arm in a bandage. He pulled his sweatshirt back on and brushed his teeth. He used mouthwash and put in a piece of gum.

He walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. He just went on his phone while he waited for the boys to get home.

He was scrolling through Twitter when the boys came through the door. He just stayed on the couch. Jack jumped over the back of couch and pulled Zach into a side hug. Zach laughed and hugged the curly boy back.

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