Daniel - Dislocated Knee

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Hey girlypops 💛💛

I hope you all enjoy this one.

Once again there is a ship. But I'm not going to tell you. You should be able to pick up on it pretty quickly. 😂😂

It's very unedited so tell me if any mistakes. 😘💛

Leave lots of comments for me to reply to. 💛💛

Also Daniel is a bit of a smartass in this one 😂😂

Daniel exited his hotel room quietly and walked across the hallway of their suite to Jonah's room. The door was propped open slightly and Jonah was softly singing to himself. Daniel smiled at the boys gentle voice and opened the door gently. He glanced at the bathroom door so see that it was closed. Jonah must've been in there since his wasn't in the actual room.

He set up his phone so that you could see the whole room.

Daniel hid behind the desk in the room and waited for Jonah to come out of the bathroom. He heard the door open and close before Jonah walked out of the bathroom and running a towel over his damp hair. He wasn't wearing a shirt and damn was he sexy. His back was faces towards Daniel and he bent over to look in his suitcase. He grabbed a shirt and stood up straight.

Daniel wiped those wonderful thoughts from his head as he jumped from behind the desk and yelled out an incoherent set of sounds. Jonah jumped and screamed. He fell backwards onto the floor clutching his chest. Daniel let out a loud laugh and bent over to place his hands on his knees. Daniel was laughing so hard that he fell to the ground.

"Daniel I told to stop doing that. Where's the camera?" Jonah groaned and stood up. Daniel gained composure of himself and pointed to his phone on the side table across from the desk. Daniel walked over to it and stopped the recording.

"Sorry Jonah you know that I couldn't resist." Daniel slipped his phone in his back pocket and looked at Jonah with a smirk.

"Well do you remember what I told you I would do to you the next time that you did it?" No Jonah had a smirk on his face. Daniel's eyes widened as he remembered what Jonah had told him.

"I don't think that will be necessary." Daniel rushed past Jonah and out of the room. He ran into the living room portion of the suite to where Corbyn was standing in the little kitchenette area. He ran behind the boy and hid behind him with his hands in the boys shoulders.

"Daniel why are you hiding behind me?" Corbyn tried to turn around and see him but the boy kept moving to hide behind him. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. I don't know why you would assume that." Daniel put his hands on Corbyn's shoulders and hid behind him.

"Daniel where did you go?" Jonah's voice was loud but it wasn't angry. He sounded a bit amused to be honest.

"Corbyn don't let him get me." Daniel moved his arms from Corbyn's shoulders to wrap around his stomach.

"Dani where are you?" Jonah walked into the kitchen where Corbyn and Daniel were.

"Why can't I let him to you again?" Corbyn was genuinely confused.

"Because I snuck up on him again and scared him. He said if I did it again that he would tickle me and I really don't want that." Daniel looked from behind Corbyn's shoulders to see Jonah there with a smirk on his face.

"Then why did you do it?" Corbyn was laughing at the boy now.

"I forgot. Don't laugh at me." Daniel was pouting.

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