Chapter 2

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Finally! School is finished! Year 12 is finished!

Everything is finished! I let out a sigh of relief and a flopped on my bed as I just got home from the last day of year 12.

"No more classes, no more exams, no more bitches, I can finally enjoy life!" I said to myself. Just as I spoke to myself, a small boy with brown wavy hair walked into my room, looking at me with chocolate brown eyes. It was my little brother, Kasper.

"You're so lucky! I'm stuck in school for 4 and half years more! Its not fair!" He whines.

"Get over it. It'll go fast. Plus, it is totally fair," I giggle. "I've already been through hell, now its your turn. Besides, you're only in 8th grade! What are you complaining about?" I tease. "Now please, go away. I don't want to have to put up with anyone right now."

He pouts his lip and walks out, and back to his own room. I sigh again and lay back on my bed, staring up and the poster-covered ceiling.

I start to think about the kind of Hell I've been through, during all of my years of school. The shit people have put me through, the friends that have come and gone, the assholes I've had to put up with. "Ugh!" I blurt out in disgust. I honestly didn't think I'd ever finished school. Being bullied and let down for so many years doesn't help at all. But now, I'm free. I can now do anything I want with my life. I gently sigh and smile to myself.

I decide to close my eyes and try and get some sleep as I'm exhausted from the whole year 12 thing.


~The next day~

"Rise and shiiiiine!!" My mom screamed, ripping open my curtains, letting the harsh bright sunlight beam into my room. She sounded way to excited.

"Go away Jesus..!" I mumbled as my face was buried in the pillow, trying hard to sleep.

"Oh I'm Jesus now am I?!" My mom yelled, still way too excited.

"WhatDoYouWant?" I, again, mumbled.

"I want you to get up because I think you'll like what I have for you!" She yelled. I groaned, and reluctantly got up, almost begin blinded by the harsh ray off sunlight streaming through my window. I checked the time on my phone. 7:30am.

"What. Its way to early." I groaned, still half asleep. Mom pulled out three tickets of some kind. Of course, me still being half asleep, couldn't read them.

"You know what, I'll just leave them on your dresser for you to look at once you properly wake up," she chuckled. I let out a slight laugh, she was actually adorable when she was excited. It was kind of hilarious. "I'm going to make breakfast. Do you want pancakes?"

"Uhm. Yeah." I mumble, rubbing my eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness. After a few minutes, I stretched and was kind of awake so I trudged over to my dresser to see what these tickets were about.

My eyes widened. "OH MY GOD!!" I ran downstairs as fast as I could without actually falling over and practically jumped on mother trying to give her a hug, almost knocking her over.

"ThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYou!!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. The Tickets were for a Motionless In White concert for me and two of my friends.

But they weren't just any old ticket. They were backstage passes for after the show, and we could skip the line getting in the venue and get to the front before anyone else did. And for the rest of the day, I want extremely cheery, I couldn't stop smiling.


I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I understand it was kinda boring and short but I will make it better as it goes along! <3

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