Chapter 16

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It had been about a week and a half since I left my parents' house. The thoughts were still killing me and I knew there was still a lot of my stuff at my parents' place.

It was early afternoon and I decided to go back to the house and get some of my stuff.

When I got to the house, I took a deep breathe and rang the doorbell. Dad answered the door.


"That is my name," I tried to sound like a smartass. "I came back to get some stuff that I left here."

Dad let me in and I walked straight to my room, trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone. When I got to my room, a single tear ran downy cheek. I walked over to my bed, knelt down next to it and reached under it to find a small box I had kept a secret.

As I pulled it out, I sighed as I read what it said in my head. Ugly Box.

I opened it to find 4 small blades from sharpeners, pins, 3 boxes of matches, a box of cigarettes, and a small jar of various pills I'd kept.

I sighed and decided to bring it with me. It took me about 35 minutes to get my things packed into boxes and put them into the car.

I drove straight back to Chris's house and unpacked. As I got to my 'ugly box' I paused to look at it. I stared at it for a few seconds before Chris came in and offered to help unpack.

"Need help unpacking?" He asked with a smile.

"No, I'm almost done so I should be fine." I smiled back.

"Okay, just call me if you need anything!" He said and walked away. I sighed with relief that he didn't see the box.

I quickly hid the box under my bed and soon finished unpacking all my things into the cupboards and drawers and went downstairs.

"Hey how were your parents?" Ghost asked me. I jumped a little because I didn't realize he was there. "Oh, sorry to scare you."

"No its fine!" I laughed. "And I don't know, they looked pissed off to be honest. Mom looked like she hasn't gotten any sleep in about a month."

"Wow. Must be hard huh?" I nodded. "Don't worry, we're all here to support you, okay?" He put his arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks man!" I smiled. "You guys are the best."

"No problem," he giggled. We both hugged, then he went off to watch TV while I went to find something else to do.

I ended up crashing onto the couch and playing on my phone for a few hours before my eyes became heavy. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

*The Next Day*

I woke up at around 10am with a stiff neck from sleeping in a weird position. Ryan walked into the room as I woke up. I rubbed my neck trying to sooth the pain but it was no use.

"What happened to you huh?"

"I slept weirdly and now I have a really sore neck, yo."

"CHRIS!!" Ryan screamed. Chris burst into the room a few seconds after. "Carolina has a sore neck from sleeping weird."

Chris walked over to me and to be completely honest I was a little anxious about what they were going to do. It turns out Chris gave me a neck rub which was actually really nice.

"You're adorable when you sleep, just saying."

"You're creepy!" I laughed.

"Aren't we all?" he giggled.

"True, true."

"But you really are adorable." I blushed. "Its cute, like a little puppy." we all laughed.

He soon finished the neck rub and got off the couch.

"Is that it?" I asked and pouted my lip.

"Your neck isn't sore anymore, so yes!" I sarcastically made my neck look really painful so I could get more neck rubs.

"Do iiit!" Ryan shouted.

"Pwease?" I pouted my lip more.

"Ugh, fine!" I did a little victory dance. "I thought you said your neck wasn't sore!" I then realized and collapsed to the floor screaming in pain, sarcastically. We all laughed and Chris agreed to another neck rub.


HAIII! I hope you're enjoying the story so far heh

k thanks bai <3

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