Chapter 23

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We soon reached the front of the house, we opened the front door and walked in. The warmth of the house hit my face like a brick wall, but it was pleasant, relieving, comforting. I walked inside and took a big breath in, breath out.

I sighed with a smile and looked around. As I looked around, my smile turned into a frown as I suddenly remembered what happened when Chris got pissed at me and stormed off. I looked down at my feet.

"You okay?" He asked, concern washed over his face. I simply gave him a half smile and nodded. Chris put his arms around me to pull us in for a hug but I pushed him away and ran upstairs. I ran to my room and grabbed some baggy clothes and went to have a shower. I scrubbed every part of my body until I felt like I had scrubbed every insecurity off. Every one except for the atrocity that was my left arm. I ran my fingers up and down the cuts, feeling all the little bumps. There was suddenly a knock on the bathroom door.

"Carolina? Are you in there?" Chris was outside the door, and he sounded like he was worried. I stayed silent. "Hey, you okay?" He tried again.

"I'm fine. What do you want?" I answered, my expression blank and my voice monotone.

"Uh, dinner is on the table on okay?"

"Okay." That was the end of the conversation as I heard him walk away. I turn off the warm water and get out of the shower, grabbing the towel and drying myself off. I put on my Guns N Roses muscle shirt and some sweatpants and walked out of the hot and steamy bathroom. I headed downstairs to get my food. I grabbed the plate and walked into the lounge room and crashed on the couch. I stared at my food, not wanting to eat after how I've felt.

"Why are you not eating?" Chris asked, putting a spoonful of food in his mouth.

"I'm not hungry." I said blankly.

"Surely, you've got to eat something. Eat a little bit at least?"

"No, I'll be fine. I'll cope." I mumble, getting off the couch and starting to head to my room. "Its okay. I've done it before. Many times actually." I continued to walk to my room.

"What? Carolina? Come here! I wanna talk to you!" Chris shouts. I ignore him and close my door.

I fall onto my bed and stare at the blank white ceiling.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and in the direction of my bedroom. Chris knocked on my door, getting confirmation that he could enter my room.

"Come in.." Chris walked into my room slowly and sat down on the bed beside me as I pulled myself up to sit upright.

"Carolina..Seriously, what's wrong?" I looked away from his face and stares at the corner of the room. "Please talk to me."

"Why the fuck should I talk to you when you refused to talk to me!?" I yelled at him, making him flinch slightly. He didn't say anything. "Don't be a fucking hypocrite, Chris! Do you know how much it hurts when I'm in enough pain already and you decide to ignore me for something I did to myself!? Its bullshit! Seriously think about it! Think about how much I'm hurting right now!" I started to bawl. "Do you understand what its like!? To have your family ripped apart? Fighting everyday? Do you know what its like to have your parents tell you things that you never ever wanted to hear!?" I fell back onto the bed and put my face in my hands, crying.

"Carolina..I-I'm so sorry..I wasn't thinking properly. I just..I was in shock." He looked at me, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. "I love you, and I'd never purposely try to hurt you."

I sat up and looked into his beautiful eyes. "Most of all.. Do you know how much it hurts to have the person you love the most, leave you when you need them most?"

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