Chapter 13

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"Look, Carolina, its complicated. Please just leave." Wow dad. Thanks for that.

"You know what!? Fuck you guys and your stupid disfunctional fucking marriage!" I yell, crying. I run into my room and slam the door. I run to my bed to get my phone that I left charging next to my pillow last night. I grab my phone and call Chris.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Chris? Can we go out somewhere today? Please?"

"Yeah, sure! Are you okay?" he asked sounding concerned.

"Look I'll explain everything when I see you," I say trying not to break down into tears. "Do you wanna go where we went the other night? To the hill?"

"Yeah, whatever you want!"

I tell him what time to meet me and we say our goodbyes and hang up. I then straight away had a shower, got changed and did my hair and makeup, skipping breakfast. I had a sick feeling in my stomach.

*A Few Hours Later*

I got to the hill and saw Chris sitting at the top, staring into space, concerned. When I got to the top, we greeted each other and sat down.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"My parents.." I started to cry. Chris held me in his arms which made me feel a little better.

"Its okay, please don't cry. I don't like seeing you upset." he said rubbing my back. "What are your parents doing?"

"Th-They're fighting.." I spoke through tears. "Mom said she wished she never married dad.." I heard Chris gasp quietly. I started to cry heavier.

"Shh, its okay, please. Please don't cry." He lifted my head up and held my face in his hands while wiping the tears away. "You're beautiful, and you're going to stay strong for me okay?" I looked down as the grass. "Hmm? You're going to stay strong aren't you?" I nodded and wiped the last few tears away.

Chris then pulled me in for another long hug. I loved his hugs. They made me feel safe and warm. Then again, I loved everything about him. He's the sweetest person I've ever met.

We stayed in that one spot for at least 5 hours. That 5 hours included Chris trying to cheer me up with funny stories he had while he was on tour, him just being a goofball in general and us making up little stupid scenarios and what each other would do during those scenarios.

It was actually really fun and it made me completely forget about mom and dad. This is why I loved being around him. He was the only person who could cheer me up like this, he was the sweetest person, and he was just great to be around in general.

"You're beautiful you know," He said shyly. "Even if you do have panda eyes." He laughed. It was then I realized my eyeliner had been smudged from crying.

"Oh god!" I tried frantically to wipe the mess around my eyes away, only to be stopped by Chris.

"Don't worry about your makeup. You look gorgeous anyway!" He smiled. I smiled back and just hugged him. He made me feel good about myself even in the toughest of times. I love him. He hugged me back and after a while we both pulled away.

It was getting quite dark around that time but that didn't bother us. In fact, we kind of liked the dark. It was nice.


oops I may or may not be staying up till 3am writing this story heh <3

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