Chapter 5

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Why was I so shy when I met the band?! God dammit Carolina!

I eventually got more and more comfortable with talking to the boys, which was cool and they were really nice. They were actually really easy to get along with and they were hilarious!

I sat next to Chris on a small black leather couch. The next thing I know, he has his arm around me, so I accepted it and snuggled into him. I could feel him smile at that. He smelled really nice, just saying.

While we were all talking, I had just noticed that they were playing music. I listened to the song that was currently playing and realised it was 'Before I Forget' by Slipknot. "I LOVE THIS SONG!!" I blurt out. I felt Chris jump as my scream was so sudden. "Oh, sorry. I got excited. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Y-You didn't scare me, pfft!" Chris said nervously, trying to act tough. I chuckled at his attempt. It was actually adorable. But why was he trying to act tough around me?

"Okay Chris. I believe you," I said sarcastically. "But, seriously, you don't have to 'act tough,'" I giggled. "It's all good." I was really trying not to laugh. Ricky then jolts up suddenly.

"Truth or Dare! Who wants to play?!" he said with his hands flying into the air. The rest of us agree and start playing. "I'll start," Ricky said with a smirk plastered on his face. "Hanna, truth or dare?" Hanna's face went bright red.

"T-Truth?" She said nervously. She always got nervous when playing Truth or Dare because she'd always get terrible dares and really embarrassing truths.

"Who do you think is the most attractive member in the band?" Ricky asked with a smirk. Hanna looked around the room, everyone staring at her. She hated being put on the spot. Her face went red.

"Uh..." she looked down, twiddling her thumbs. Ricky smirked and the boys looked at her. "I can't choose..."

"You have to," Ricky said, sounding quite proud of himself.

"Uhm...R-Ricky..." she said quietly, looking down at her hands. "I can't help who I like man!" She yelled.

Ricky walked over to Hanna, sitting next to her and putting an arm around her. "Neither can I," he winked at Hanna which made her blush intensely. Ricky lightly kissed Hanna on the cheek which sent sparks through her body and making her cheeks burn bright red. She laughed nervously as Ricky smiled at her.


O hai der. This chapter was kinda short, but meh, it was okay wasn't it? <3

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