Chapter 4

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I was on stage in front of easily over 400 people in the venue. It was amazing to know that this is my home town. As I'm singing halfway through Abigail, I saw this massive guy pushing all the people around him. They looked kind of hurt. Concerned, I jumped down and screamed the words of the song in his face, then told him off. "Calm down man! You're hurting people!"

I look over at a small girl who looks kind of helpless. She was looking at me through her perfect honey-coloured eyes. She was beautiful. She looked like he had been quite hurt by the other guy and I felt quite sympathetic.

I reached out, grabbed her hand, and gently pulled her to the front where I could keep an eye on her, and where she could see us. She was too small to see over the people who had moved in front of her. She was actually adorable. "You okay?" I smiled. She simply nodded her head. She looks sort of confused but happy at the same time. I assumed she had no words so I accept the nod. "Okay, cool!" I grinned and when straight back to singing the songs.

I kept a close eye on the girl I helped before. She looked like she was having the time of her life which made me smile like an idiot. "I don't even know her!" I thought to myself. I kept singing.

After the show, we got applauded by the crowd. Screaming and chanting our name. I smiled as I watched the crowd frantically try to scream 'I love you' and 'you're sexy' over each others voices.

We thanked the audience for coming out to see us tonight and walked off the stage and round the back. I couldn't keep my mind off her. I wanted to know who she was. I needed to. She was perfect.

Not long after the show had finished, a security guard knocked on our door and poked his head in. "Theres three kids that got the backstage tickets with me here," he stated.

"Okay, yeah, bring 'em in!" I smiled, still thinking about the angel I saw in the crowd. Then all of a sudden three girls walked into the room; two of them were quite small while the other was a little taller. The smallest one lifted her head up and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Hanna and I like biiiiig hugs!" She said with a big grin on her face. It was actually kind of adorable, but in a funny way. As she spoke, Balz got off his seat and hugged the one call Hanna. We all laughed.

After Hanna, the tall one spoke up. "Hey boys, I'm Kenzie!" She said with a smile.

The last one was kind of shy and kept her head down. "Uh hi, I'm Carolina...yep." She stated quietly.

"Aww don't be shy Carolina, we don't bite," Ghost said with a smile. He walked up to her, gave her a hug and put his arm around her. "Keep your head up," Carolina lifted her head up, revealing her beautiful face. My eyes widened as I realised that was the girl in the crowd. "See? That wasn't so bad!" Ghost giggled. I kind of facepalmed as he seemed way too polite, but I laughed at his goofiness.

Carolina also seemed to find it funny that Ghost was being so polite. "Thanks Ghost," she chuckled. "You guys killed it tonight! And, uh, thanks for helping me, Chris," she blushed bright red. She was so cute. "I'm sorry, I'm a mess right now," she laughed nervously. Her hair had been messed up a little and her makeup had been smeared around her eyes but she still looked so perfect.

"You're not a mess, you look fine," I smiled. She blushed again and smiled back.

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