Chapter 21

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"Carolina!!" Chris shouted from his room, obviously calling me to come to him.

"Yeah?!" I shouted back.

"Can you come here for a minute?!" I got off my bed and walked towards his room. "Its Saturday, can I check your arms please?" I looked down at the floor and roll up the arm without any cuts on it. "Good, and the other arm?" I lifted my other sleeve revealing the many deep cuts. Chris looked horrified.

"I'm so sorry!" I started to cry. He put his face in his hands, also starting to cry.

"You broke your promise..."

"I know, and I'm really sorry!" I was bawling by then.

"You broke your fucking promise!!" Tears streamed down his gorgeous face. "Why?! Why did you do it?!"

"I couldn't help it...can you stop yelling at me please..?"

"What the fuck!? And you didn't tell me!? I can't even talk to you right now. I'm going out." He tried to walk past me but I blocked the door way. "Move!"

"No. Chris I'm so sorry! I'm really regretting not telling you!" I was bawling, with tears stinging my cheeks.

"Move!" He repeated. "Carolina, I can't talk to you right now! Fuck, I can't believe you!" Chris pushed past me. He went downstairs, grabbed his keys and stormed out the front door,slamming it shut, leaving me in dead silence. I collapsed to the floor crying, regretting everything.

I drudged downstairs and sat on the couch with my face in my hands.

"What's his prob- hey! What's wrong?" I heard Ricky from across the room. I started to bawl. He walked over and sat next to me, pulling me in for a hug. "What happened?" He asked in a soft voice. It was quite soothing.

"I did something bad man!" I cried. "Like really bad! And now Chris is pissed at me.."

"Shh, its okay. I'm sure he's not pissed at you. What happened anyway? What did you do that was so bad?"

"I broke a promise.. and now look what I've done."

"Its not your fault, Carolina. Everyone makes mistakes. What did you promise him?"

"I promised I wouldn't cut again..." I cried harder, Ricky pulled me closer.

"Aw its okay, I think he's just in shock that you've hurt yourself. Its not nice to know that your girlfriend is hurting so bad that she has to do that stuff. Its just hard for him."

"I guess so..."

"Its not just hard for him to know you've done that though. We all care about you, and it does hurt to see you this upset." I looked up at him. He looked like he was about to cry. I hugged him tightly. "We care. And we wouldn't want anything to happen to you, okay?"

"Okay." I sniffed. I still felt like shit, though. I'd pissed Chris off and he won't talk to me.

I decided to go for a walk, and try to forget about what had happened.

I walked to the park where Chris had taken me before. Once I got there, I saw the playground and swing set and decided to head over there.

I swung on the swings for a good half an hour thinking, staring into space. It was quite nice being alone in peace and quite for once. Being able to think about things made me feel better in general.

I needed the space, and the time. I needed to be alone. It was good for me at that time.

An hour went past, but I didn't notice. I heard my phone ringing so I pulled it out of my pocket to see who it was. Chris. I decided to ignore it as he was probably just going to yell at me some more.

Another hour passed. I decided to turn my phone on silent, and ignore it.

The next thing I knew, I heard Ricky screaming my name. I didn't know if I was imagining it or if it was him but I saw a small figure dressed in black on the other side of the park. He started running toward me.

When he caught up to me, he stopped in front of me to catch his breath.

"Chris.." he struggled to breathe. "Chris is looking for you.."

"Does he want to see me or does he want to yell at me some more?"

"I don't know. I'd imagine he wants to see you but I'm not sure." He struggled, still trying to catch his breath.

"Do me a favor, and tell him I don't want to see him!" I started to cry and ran off.

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