Chapter 7

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After about 45 minutes of playing a hilarious, flirty game of Truth Or Dare, I had noticed Carolina looked at her phone to check the time. 11:30pm. I didn't realize it was so late. She jolted up suddenly and started freaking out.

"Oh god! Kenzie! Hannah! Its half 11, we have to go! Moms going to kill me!" She freaked. Kinda hot tbh.

"Carolina its okay, we just lost track of time," I tried to calm her down.

"Dude I've had 7 missed calls from my mom! And texts!"

"Its okay! Just call her back, telling her you're fine. Simple." I smiled. She then calmed down a bit and called her mom. She seemed a little bit stressed so I assumed her mom was giving her a lecture or something. I waited until she was finished with her call. She sighed heavily. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "Moms kinda pissed at me though. She thought something happened and I had to explain the whole thing to her. Dammit, I told her I might not be back until late.. whatever, its fine."

She sat back down beside me and I hugged her. I wonder how badly her mom must have taken it if she's this bothered. I decided to leave it and let the conversation change into a lighter subject.

"So are y'all touring right now or..?" Kenzie asked with a smile, obviously trying to change the subject.

"Nah, we just thought it would be good to have a break from touring and just have a concert for Scranton. We just got off Warped so you can imagine we're pretty tired but it was nice to meet fans!" Josh replied.

"I love meeting fans, they're hilarious! And I love how you guys bring us cookies and candy and stuff every time we go on tour!" Ryan chuckled.

"We all missed out on Warped this year 'cause of exams, which really sucks, but ya know, we're finished now so we can go to all the concerts we want!" Carolina said sounding excited.

"Well, you're definitely welcome to come to all our shows," Josh said. "I assume you're coming to more shows, yes?"

"Oh of course! You're shows are the best!" Hanna exclaimed.

"Glad to hear it!" I replied happily.

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