Chapter 24

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A/N: this chapter may or may not be kinda smutty ;)


"Do you know how much it hurts to have the person you love the most, leave you when you need them the most?" I cried harder, my face buried into my hands.

"I'm so sorry..." Chris whispered. He looked so sincere.

"You should've thought abo-" I was cut off by a pair of lips crashing onto mine. I couldn't resist him. I loved him too much.

His hands snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I was taken from reality. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Chris's hands ran up and down my back, which was so heavenly. I felt completely weightless. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip, which then slipped inside my mouth. My heart was racing as our tongues explored each other's mouths. Chris grabbed my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine. He pushed me onto my back and pinned my hands down above my head. He pulled away from the kiss and we both opened our eyes. The room was dark so we weren't blinded by the sun.

"I'm so sorry.. I love you so much." Chris whispered. I stared into his eyes and smiled.

"I love you too." I said sincerely. Chris's lips met mine and everything got heated again. I wanted to pull him closer but my hands were still tightly pinned above my head, so I had no choice. Chris's right hand left my hand and ran up and down my stomach, which let a moan escape my lips. I let my free hand wonder. It stopped on his waist, pulling him closer. The heat between us became unbearable. We both broke away from the kiss, desperate for air. The next thing I knew, Chris's shirt was being thrown on the floor. He smirked at me, then we continued our kiss. I felt his piercings on mine, it didn't bother me at all though. I breathed heavily as everything deepened. My hands ran up and down his back, not wanting to pull away.

The pure ecstasy I experienced was completely unbearable, but I never wanted to pull away. My hands glided down his back. Chris reached back and grabbed my hands and, again, pinned them above my head. He then started kissing and sucking at my neck.

"If you give me a hickey, I will rip off your dick." I laughed.

"Why you gotta ruin it?" Chris teased. I laughed at him, he's so cute.

"I don't want a fucking hic-" I was cut off once again by his lips crashing onto mine. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer.

Again, he started kissing my neck. I couldn't complain, it was amazing. I felt his warm breath on my neck every once in a while, which sent a shiver down my spine. I felt his hands leave mine, but then started gliding up and down my stomach over my shirt.

"Yeah, that's going to be a problem," he smirked, gesturing at my shirt. Chris grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it off my body. "Much better!" He smirked again. He, again, began to glide his soft hands up and down my stomach while kissing me. I then took off his shirt.

He started kissing my neck yet again, I ain't complaining though. My heart raced as he began to lower himself to my chest. My cheeks went bright red.

We then heard the front door bell ring. Sighing and cursing, Chris got off me and went downstairs to answer it, while I put my shirt back on.

It was Ricky apparently. I think he realised that Chris wasn't wearing a shirt.

"What happened to you two?!" He said, winking at Chris. A loud laugh coming from me, upstairs, traveled downstairs. "Ohhh!" Ricky teased, with another wink.

"Shut up, Rick, it wasn't like that." Ricky kind of gave an "mhm." sound as he walked away, not believing anything. "Fuck you man." Chris said under his breath.


HA! you probably hate me right now ha oh whale. loooove you ;)

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