Chapter 6

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"Chris! Your turn!" Ricky winked at me. I gave him a half-smile back.

"Okay. Carolina, truth or dare?" I grinned at the angel sitting next to me. She looked slightly nervous which made me feel kind of bad, but hey, its a game.

"Uhh, truth. I know, I'm so boring!" She joked.

"Have you ever fantasised about anyone in the room?" I gave her the 'you-know-you-cant-back-out-now face' which obviously made her feel slightly uncomfortable, but this is what the game is all about! And she did still look kind of adorable.

"Uhm..." she blushed. "You know what, I'm not gonna be a little bitch about this. Yes, I have, I HAVE NO SHAME CHRISTOPHER!" She laughed. Oh my god she's so perfect!

"Who was it?!" I smirked. She looked slightly embarrassed at the question and I could tell she really didn't want to answer. "Tell meeeee!" I pouted my lip.

"Okay, I can't resist that adorable face," she smiled. "It was you, Chris. You're a beautiful creature!" She admitted with a smile. I blushed when she said my name and shifted in my seat. "Aww! You're adorable when you get all hot and bothered!" She laughed. Her laugh was gorgeous!

I put my arm around her, pulled her closer and smiled. "Did you really do that?" I whispered to her, making sure the rest of the boys didn't hear. Carolina nodded with a smile.

"How could I not? You're fucking attractive," she smirked at me. "It's not hard to see." She laughed. I blushed and pulled her closer while she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Josh, your turn!" Kenzie blurted out. Josh looked around with an evil looking smirk on his face, trying to find out who was his next 'victim'. He stopped looking around when he got to Kenzie and glared at her with a smirk.

"Kenzie... Truth or dare!?"

"Ya know what? I'm not gonna be a lil bitch! Dare!" Kenzie looked at Josh with a keen smile.

"Kiss anyone of your choice in the room," he says with a smirk, looking proud of himself. Kenzie then got off her seat and slowly walked over to Josh, sat herself down beside him as he was sitting on a seated sofa, and kissed him. I knew that Josh had planned to get her to kiss him which made us laugh a little. Josh and Kenzie sat together for the rest of the game.


Another short chapter, but no one likes reading long ass chapters so what err! huehuehue <3

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